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- Doodads, Crates, Barrels, Pipe sections, Columns etc
Regarding doodads in the game, destroying them accidentally or purposefully is very rewarding. Seeing large areas smashed to rubble during battles never gets tiring.
What i believe would increase the "Ah Ha" factor is the possibility of "randomness" added to the various crates, barrels, pipe sections, even columns.
Now of course with tens of thousands of players in game the % chance should be VERY rare for this maybe .001 or even less. Smashing the environment in a mission should not turn into a random Pinata crazed loot fest. The point of this is to add a small varied amount to the details for story telling in game.
I will give a short and by no means comprehensive list of items these could contain.
1. - Paints or coloring for armor.
2. - Schematics/Blueprints even rare ones the vendor would not have for blue/green/purple/relic. These would not have to be traditional in fact they could be completely silly and merely a unique aesthetic.
3. - Unique investigations/Lore and off track story lines/Backgrounds for families in various sectors/Political events or upheavals
4. - Particle effects for specific pieces of gear and or weapons. These could be just for aesthetics or have added effects or even be one time use items.
5. - Broken items lost to the ages - these could be either repaired through the regular crafting system or have a few layers added with some extra questing for components to attempt to get them working again. You could find servo skulls that have unique lines of dialogue etc.
6. - Heresy - Finding corrupted items that were marked for destruction at the hands of the inquisition but never made it to the intended location etc.
7. - Lost navigational charts and schematics for sectors that have not been opened yet or long thought lost. These would be of great value to the Adeptus Mechanicus.
I could go on but i am sure you have the idea. =)
Anyway keep up the great work Neocore! *2 thumbs up*
"Venerate the immortal Emperor"
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We have thought (and I have suggested) this as well to the devs, probably it got overlooked or forgotten in the hustle as it is a relatively minor thing.
It would definitely be an awesome idea for these gameplay elements to have a chance to drop something useful, even if not very valuable.
1. - Paints or coloring for armor.
This'd depend on the actual painting mechanism, and I can't speak about that just yet, but paints won't be consumable items so this would not work. If they become consumable, it would definitely work and I think it is an awesome idea.
2. - Schematics/Blueprints
I think that this would require to have a very low chance for it to work well and feasibly.
3. - Unique investigations/Lore and off track story lines/Backgrounds for families in various sectors/Political events or upheavals
I'm not seeing this one, honestly, but for individual investigations to find clues in breakable objects, it would be more than amazing. So far I like this idea the best, and adding it right away to the feedback section.
4. - Particle effects for specific pieces of gear and or weapons. These could be just for aesthetics or have added effects or even be one time use items.
For this we'd have to construct a bunch of new effects, and this definitely won't happen for a while.
5. - Broken items lost to the ages - these could be either repaired through the regular crafting system or have a few layers added with some extra questing for components to attempt to get them working again. You could find servo skulls that have unique lines of dialogue etc.
Needs either a new item tier, or crafting system rework, or quests. Too much for now, DLC/Season patch content maybe.
6. - Heresy - Finding corrupted items that were marked for destruction at the hands of the inquisition but never made it to the intended location etc.
Needs new item tier, sort of, but doable, good idea.
7. - Lost navigational charts and schematics for sectors that have not been opened yet or long thought lost. These would be of great value to the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Maybe unlocking new quests via parchments etc, can be done rather easily tbh.
All in all, all this needs is a mechanic that allows crates, etc. to drop items occassionally and I really want to do that.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can do.
Anyone ?
"Venerate the immortal Emperor"
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