DLC,s asking for payment of Fate to unlock,when have already purchased them with cash


I have recently  purchased the full game with all the DLC,S on steam, and to play the DLC,S for example Charbdis Outpost, it is asking for 111 fate or to buy with money, my account have been linked and I see no reason as to why I am being ask to pay for an already purchased DLC...

Store Page
4 years 153 days ago
We will get this handled once and for all. Our apologize @ICKTHEUS‍ for the confusion.
4 years 155 days ago
Hey @ICKTHEUS‍ .  This is a known issue, unfortunately.  You have the DLC, just double check your game page or Steam store page.  The game internally just does not register the payment part, so just avoid clicking on that.  Source: I have same exact issue, but have played all the DLC I bought on Steam.  Others in thread have reported same, you are good to go!  Happy Gaming!