Problems with activatioN? look here.


Hello guys,

We are aware that some of (hotmail / / users) you are waiting since quite a long time to receive verification email

We would like to ensure you that we are on the case and working to manually solve the issue. Please note that some email providers take a lot longer than usual to deliver the mail, and that the system may throttle down a bit to ensure safety when there are numerous requests for keys.

If you do not receive the verification mail and you are unable to activate your account (Be sure to check your spam folder!), please send an email to [email protected] and we'll help you right away.

Also, to ensure you to receive our emails, please add [email protected] to your address book. This might help.

Thanks for your patience,

Neocore Staff


UPDATE FOR HOTMAIL (and probably other) USERS: 

Go to your e-mail client,

Options > Safe Senders > Add "" to the whitelist > Save

This might help.

This post was modified 7 years 161 days ago by Morzan
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Problems with activatioN? look here.
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7 years 166 days ago
I am having trouble just buying the game right now, You guys solved my email issue over an hour ago which I thank you for!! <3 but I wish I could buy the game :/ 
7 years 166 days ago

Really happy to see updates so soon :) its been about 5 hours for me since I purchased and am still waiting how ever , any ETA on when I may get it?

7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Theforeseen 7 years 166 days ago

Really happy to see updates so soon :) its been about 5 hours for me since I purchased and am still waiting how ever , any ETA on when I may get it?

Just finished everything, if you dropped a mail, you should have already received some kind of solution :)
7 years 166 days ago

I bought the game but never got an e-mail to verify my account, or an e-mail with my key... You are asking for a reference ID, but I only got a transaction ID from paypal, nothing else... I really want to download this game, but I fear i may have to cancel the paypal payment because I have no idea what's going on.

7 years 166 days ago
I guess I was also supposed to recieve some PDF file, yet I never did... so I got charged 40 bucks, and I can't download the game.
7 years 166 days ago
Valkyrie Neocore
I shall email support and ask ,thank you :)

7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Wolfenacht 7 years 166 days ago

I bought the game but never got an e-mail to verify my account, or an e-mail with my key... You are asking for a reference ID, but I only got a transaction ID from paypal, nothing else... I really want to download this game, but I fear i may have to cancel the paypal payment because I have no idea what's going on.

In this case, the transaction is still in progress, that's the reason, just checked. :)
7 years 166 days ago

As it seems, people who use hotmail,, are mainly affected, we are working on that.

Until as it has been written down by my collagues, feel free to drop a mail if:

  • you haven't receive a mail to verify your account 
  • If you have succesfully made a purchase, but doesn't receive a Steam key via mail. (in this case as a proof purchase, pleas attach your Reference ID&UserName the one with only letters in it.)
This comment was edited 7 years 166 days ago by Valkyrie Neocore
7 years 166 days ago
I use the webmail service and still haven't received the activation email for the account I signed up using that email. This has been since 10 or 11AM MST (~6hours now).

I did just register using my less used Gmail, but still, figured its worth mentioning. 

7 years 166 days ago
Posted by fiyga 7 years 166 days ago
I use the webmail service and still haven't received the activation email for the account I signed up using that email. This has been since 10 or 11AM MST (~6hours now).

I did just register using my less used Gmail, but still, figured its worth mentioning. 

Interesting, as it seems your account is verified and you are using something else, not the ...
7 years 166 days ago
Hello Gents, 

I dropped a mail regarding the key and I appear to be one of the souls lost in the warp at this time(Hotmail). Looking forward to the email and resolution. Thanks!

7 years 166 days ago
I emailed that support address, but just to give the info on here too, purchase didn't go through initially, went through fine on the second go, got a confirmation email about 4/5 hours ago and nothing since.

I'm using hotmail. Glad you guys created this page to get on top of it asap, looking forward to working through the kinks on this game with the team. 


7 years 166 days ago
Posted by nebworth 7 years 166 days ago
I emailed that support address, but just to give the info on here too, purchase didn't go through initially, went through fine on the second go, got a confirmation email about 4/5 hours ago and nothing since.

I'm using hotmail. Glad you guys created this page to get on top of it asap, looking forward to working through the kinks on this game with the team. 


Also don't forget to mention, if you receive the keys ^^
7 years 166 days ago
Hotmail User here also who hasn't received his key.

I have emailed the Support email address with my Order ID.

7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Tycho13 7 years 166 days ago
Hotmail User here also who hasn't received his key.

I have emailed the Support email address with my Order ID.

All sorted now.

Thank's for the quick response.

7 years 166 days ago
Also hotmail, though now I wish I had just used my gmail :( waiting on support
7 years 166 days ago
Sent an email to support, thanks for the quick responses thus far people :D
7 years 166 days ago
Is support still active? Or we out of luck until Monday if we haven't gotten our keys already?
7 years 165 days ago
Ordered at 1:30 this afternoon.  It's almost midnight.  Sent an e-mail. 
7 years 165 days ago
I haven't recived my key yet either i'm also a hotmail user
7 years 165 days ago
Hey guys,

I also received no game key. Eamil sent to your support...hope you can solve this during weekend

7 years 165 days ago

I haven't recived my key yet either

7 years 165 days ago

no game key yet here as well

 im in no rush 

and the email is a as well if that helps solve the issue ? 

7 years 165 days ago
Posted by DigitalDead 7 years 165 days ago

no game key yet here as well

 im in no rush 

and the email is a as well if that helps solve the issue ? 

Hotmail users report the longest wait times (even 1 hour). How long you have been waiting?
7 years 165 days ago

Bought into the alpha last night, still to receive my gamekey yet. 

At first i got trouble to verificate my account also due to email difficulties , but managed to get it working via facebook login.
My Email Hoster is GMX which is quite common in germany.
Emailed Support about half an hour ago but - i hope i can receive their answer via my mail at least otherwise thats a real problem.

This comment was edited 7 years 165 days ago by HVHWehrhammer
7 years 165 days ago
Just got mine, took a while, but late night and weekends they are working through them I guess, thanks a bunch to the support team for puttin in the OT!
7 years 165 days ago
Just got up, checking the mails and with the help of our Emperor I'm on the way to provide every support that you've asked for.
7 years 165 days ago
Still no game key is been about 11 hours :(
7 years 165 days ago
Posted by stefan8222 7 years 165 days ago
Still no game key is been about 11 hours :(

Send a mail to [email protected] with your REFERNCE ID and USERNAME. Also I have to eat something, so give me some minutes :)

This comment was edited 7 years 165 days ago by Valkyrie Neocore
7 years 165 days ago
I tried with a 'hotmail' ( account about 2 hours after launch. Still nada, unable to verify account. same when signing up to newsletter 2 days ago, got a contact card n nowt else.

Facebook worked instantly for setting up an account 'bout 30 mins ago.

7 years 165 days ago
Posted by Aghori 7 years 165 days ago
I tried with a 'hotmail' ( account about 2 hours after launch. Still nada, unable to verify account. same when signing up to newsletter 2 days ago, got a contact card n nowt else.

Facebook worked instantly for setting up an account 'bout 30 mins ago.

Hey, we have updated the original post, try adding to safe senders.

7 years 165 days ago
same problems here with . the support verified the e-mail adress manual. but still no key
7 years 165 days ago

Hello, I have been waiting hours now, sent email, made the email address [email protected] safe and added to address book too,  but no game code to play yet! yes I am a hotmail user. Just really eager to get the game and play it to help look for bugs and report! in the great name of the EMPEROR!!!!

Thanks!! hope to have this solved soon!

This comment was edited 7 years 165 days ago by Thirdye
7 years 165 days ago
Bought the game a couple of hours ago, still not key. Happy to wait, I know game dev rarely has any task that can be fixed easily/overnight.

Hotmail user, safe sender list updated, still no luck.

7 years 165 days ago

Same Here Bought the game at 11 O'clock, And key is not Here .. Email 2 Support is Out :D

<- Gmx User

7 years 165 days ago
So i put them on the Whitelist (GMX) but no luck with E-Mails which got already send out. New ones seem to be fine, and Yes Support-Mail is out...i should have use gmail in the First Place -.-
7 years 165 days ago

Hi there, still waiting for the key for the game..

Best regards Mattias

7 years 165 days ago

We are sending the keys, emails manually. 

Be sure to add "" to the whitelist.

I hope that you will get your keys soon!

7 years 165 days ago
did but still got nothing for hours  and even sent a message
7 years 165 days ago

With the help of the Astronomican the keys are on the way to their owners, however warp storms try to prevent our plan to deliver them.

This comment was edited 7 years 165 days ago by Valkyrie Neocore
7 years 165 days ago
Posted by kenny wildman 7 years 165 days ago
Bought the game a couple of hours ago, still not key. Happy to wait, I know game dev rarely has any task that can be fixed easily/overnight.

Hotmail user, safe sender list updated, still no luck.

Just got my key emailed to me by one of your guys.

Thanks a bunch, good luck with the rest of the project! :)

7 years 165 days ago
Posted by kenny wildman 7 years 165 days ago
Just got my key emailed to me by one of your guys.

Thanks a bunch, good luck with the rest of the project! :)

We are trying to do our best, thanks for your kind words :)
7 years 165 days ago
Got my Key through the Support thank you very much for the Help! <3
7 years 165 days ago
Got my key!! Thank you sooooo much!!!! thanks for the help <3
7 years 165 days ago
Valkyrie Neocore
After the fastest reply ive ever had in support history, i have received my key.

I look forward to testing this game and (for sure ) singing its praises :D

7 years 165 days ago
24h after purchasing the 80$ Edition still no key :(

GMX user here

7 years 165 days ago
Same here, got mine to
7 years 165 days ago
Posted by Immortality 7 years 165 days ago
24h after purchasing the 80$ Edition still no key :(

GMX user here

If you've sent an email to [email protected], then it's nearly impossible. :P
7 years 165 days ago
I'm Dissapointed since yesterday from your service...  why we can't find Steam Key in our profil ? when i see lot of troubles with e-mail in facebook. I bought a pack yesterday, it's not possible to connect with my e-mail without facebook connect ( same mail ), i see my order in my profil but nothing for validate e-mail or my steam key.

I understand it's only an alpha but maybe it was a bad idea to launch "The Founding" a Friday afternoon.

( I've sent an email to [email protected]. he asks me my reference ID.. waiting for answer now )

7 years 165 days ago

Have faith brothers! I like many other hotmail users failed to receive a Steam activation code after purchase, so I e-mailed [email protected] and received a reply with my code after just 25 minutes. Thank you.