"Destroyed" terrain still blocks movement


It's cool that a lot of terrain bits and obstacles are cover and also destructible. However, quite frequently, destroyed items, which no longer are visible, still have their collision box and will block you. Now, the AI can still "see" the obstacle but obviously you can't.

It doesn't happen for every single object, and it isn't per object type either, sometimes you can take down a ruined wall and go through the empty space, sometimes you can't. This is quite annoying when you are running into/along a large invisible wall right in "the open".

Easy enough to reproduce (this is on PC); the most common places you notice this are either places like urban ruin maps (invisible walls in open spaces) or in any narrow dungeon map (a set of destroyed boxes will invisibly block most of a corridor). Simply use something good against cover, like Assault Armor jump pack, Demolition Armor rockets, or say the grav gun's 4th skill. Destroy a bunch of items and try walking around - it's very likely you'll encounter something that blocks you despite being "destroyed" and not visible anymore.

This post was edited 4 years 260 days ago by Alavaria
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"Destroyed" terrain still blocks movement
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4 years 259 days ago
We will run a few tests based on your report, thank you!