Despite some bugs, great game Guyz. Realy happy for console release!


Greetings Neocore staff. 

Just wanted to say that despite console launching bugs (targeting, missig missions, loss of controll of my character in multiplayer missions, etc.) i consider Inquisitor Martyr one of my favorite games. Needless to say i'm a huge WH40k fan and this game is 1st to let me create a character that has some measure of influence on Emperors galaxy. Please keep fighting the bugs and expanding the game. The Emperor protects!

PS: Realy looking forward to a long term support for this game. Cheers!

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Despite some bugs, great game Guyz. Realy happy for console release!
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6 years 183 days ago
I'm definitely really enjoying this game so far. There are bugs but so far nothing game breaking and as usual with most games these days I figure many of these issues will be resolved with patches. I've been waiting a long time for a good Warhammer 40k game to come out on consoles and this definitely fits what I've been waiting for. Great job so far and I hope this is supported for a long time to come. 
6 years 188 days ago

I dream of a console designed arpg, one that could run as neat and tidy as God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn right out of the gate, but hey, I'm prepared to work through a few hiccups for a game like Inquisitor. I'm looking forward to many more builds, hopeful for more expansions, races, and sequels, and will support this title for as long as it's supported from within.   

6 years 188 days ago
Console player here. I have to agree. I have played several other ARPG's since Diablo 3 and this one is fun, implies long-term enjoyment, and is a different setting and system from D3, which I do love and have played for many years. I am really hoping that this game will provide a lot of enjoyment over the years. I am trying to be diligent in reporting the bugs I am finding and am really looking forward to getting these things fixed. Not a lot of really good games for consoles lately and this one appears to have what it takes!
6 years 188 days ago

Agree,Game is Great and in my Opinion the Best true Alternate to Diablo on Consoles.
And also a great Athmospheric Warhammer Hackn Slay that can stand on its own Legs.

Only Thing thats really Frustrating on Xbox is a Bug where the Game Crashes and Console turns off,had this a few Times now.

This comment was edited 6 years 188 days ago by Ursurper
6 years 188 days ago

I’m so happy with this game.  It’s just so fun to play.  I leveled a Crusader to 50 and thought I’d try out the Assassin.  I might even like it more then the Crusader.  Excellent job guys!

6 years 188 days ago
Thanks for the support, truly means a lot!
6 years 189 days ago

I agree .. great game, and i think most ppl agree, also the poor souls which ran into bugs full of heresy .. may the omnissiah protect them :-D

Best regards.

This comment was edited 6 years 189 days ago by maledicus