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- Demolition Armour relic enhancements
I recently returned to the game after over a year, made a new character that I saved up gear for back when the lvl cap was lvl 80. Now I'm level 81, looking to update my gear, and I spent millions of credits at this point creating/rerolling Demolition Armours, and I haven't yet seen the "Demolition Armour fires +5 missiles" mod pop up even once, and at this point I begane to wonder if it's still available in the game. Rolled the other mods multiple times each, and had armours dropping with them all over the place, but never the +5 missiles...
If it's gone I'll have to stick with the one I stashed last year I guess, which is only lvl 70 (75 upgraded).
A compilation of all the item enhancements would be amazing to have somewhere. I found one taken from the code, but it did not include what I was looking for.
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Gamplay is just Gravity Implosion for regular packs and Gravity Implosion + Cyclon Missiles for champion packs. It pairs amazingly well with Grav Gun, because it keeps your targets in place until the missiles hit, so there won't be much issues with targeting.
Now I started wondering what would happen if I doubled up on the pslam doctrine that tripples the number of projectiles.
I've just got demo armour with -57 focus cost toa rmour skills, my missiles cost 18 focus only and with CDR buffs/doctrines, it can be nigh never ending which is fun.
For the "compilation", have you checked the wiki made by gnawing printer?
I usually search for possible enchants in the "raw" file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GnawingPrinter/W40k_IM_config_files/master/All_item_enchants.txt
Strg+F and search for "rockets" = the enchants should still exist.
Set this current order state as My default.