Day 1 Impressions


First off, the specs for my rig for reference.

 AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 Series Graphics Card

 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz

 32 GB  RAM

OS : Microsoft Windows 10 (build 14393), 64-bit

I starting playing early this morning, My initial experience was plagued with crashes. The first when I tried to create an account, the second when I tried switching weapons in my first mission. Etc. etc. The Patch fixed my crash issues. I haven't had an issue since the patch came out. Post patch I have been able to run the game with no issues at 38-45 FPS with no lag. 

Impressions on game play. This has a very old school Diablo feel too it. If you have the ability to map keys to a gaming mouse, this is going to enhance your experience. The Abilities felt very clunky and at times irritatingly unresponsive, sometimes having to hit the 1 or 2 key multiple times to have the game register it. 

I found the damage reduction on my character to be a little bit overpowered. I have it at 41%, and am able to walk up to a Nurgle Dreadnaught and hold my chainsword attack on it until he dies. Not exaggerating at all here. Besides those two complaints, the game is looking like it has a lot of potential. 

Another feature that I would like to see improved i the chat window,. It seems to get "Stuck" and not display new messages. My messages also seem to take 5-10 minutes to actually post. 

The Tilesets I have seen are absolutely gorgeous.  There are tons of little details that show the care and attention that was taken to remain faithful to the 40K brand.  I am looking forward to the future of the game. I will post another day 2 impression tommorow after given a solid few hours of non-stop playing. 

This post was edited 7 years 359 days ago by tubatitan88
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Day 1 Impressions
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7 years 358 days ago
When able to play some (when u game freezes its impossible(last fix solved it for me) and ur items gissapearing) the most annoying thing is very slow character responding and ability animation, u just not able to react at a time when smth happens.
7 years 358 days ago

well... khm.. khm...

on my notebook only ultra low quality.... but the first playable build take, reasons for me, think what this alpha is best project where i have chance participate...

ps:sorry for my bad English

7 years 358 days ago
Finally got to play for about 30mins without any issues. Killed some Nurgle Dreads and felt good. 

Keep up the great work. This is going to be excellent.
