Currency tab


Can  plz expand on this 

Currency tab

Void Shards, Cortex Fragments, Seasonal Currencies, Tarot Cards and the like will no longer hog inventory space. Everything can be found neatly organized in the new Currency panel.

1. All comuables?

2. What about Trading?

3. How we split the stack give x amounts to ppl

4. Could  just increase  the value  would make alot ez

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Currency tab
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3 years 229 days ago
Cerberus Hades
Yeah, if necessary, we will expand the stacks. Emails should not be affected at all but if you encounter any problem please write us.
3 years 231 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 3 years 231 days ago

The stacks can exceed 100, yes.

Once again, I'm not sure how did you mean the end of your question, particularly this 'when updated Hit?'

When the game update . What  happens to items in the mail inbox.

And only some stack goes 100.  Are u going to make the stacks bigger ?

3 years 231 days ago
Cerberus Hades

The stacks can exceed 100, yes.

Once again, I'm not sure how did you mean the end of your question, particularly this 'when updated Hit?'

3 years 232 days ago
Question. If I send void shard to someone. In the mail system . What happens to items in the.mail when updated Hit?
3 years 232 days ago
4. U could just make items value higher. And just add an extra tab.

Ex @stacks could more be then 100? 
3 years 232 days ago
1. Not all consumables. The full list is: Void Shards, Void Dust, Tarot cards, Tarot seals, Cortex Fragments

These cannot be stored in the storage any longer.
2. Yes, you can send other players any such items

3. You cannot split these into different stacks.

4. I'm not sure about this question. Could you please elaborate it?