Cortex Fargments event/



This post was edited 4 years 108 days ago by Cerberus Hades
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Cortex Fargments event/
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4 years 107 days ago
Cerberus Hades
We can delete it if you want. Do you want this one removed?
4 years 107 days ago
yes all  good , is there an way to delete some post?
4 years 107 days ago
Posted by Cerberus Hades 4 years 110 days ago

how are supposed to tis quest when lvl 100 ther nothing give 104.. Complete 2 Purge missions in a row within 30 minutes, at least 4 levels higher.

Either you are supposed to go for a cpl Missions that are 4 Lvls higher within a Void Crusade or you can also, (if you wish) go for A Random Assignment +5. Your Choice. GL.
4 years 108 days ago
Cerberus Hades
Could you please let me know your account name?
4 years 108 days ago
This comment was deleted 4 years 108 days ago by Marcopolocs
4 years 110 days ago

technically they aren't daily---it's M/W/F) wtf is this s888

4 years 110 days ago

how are supposed to tis quest when lvl 100 ther nothing give 104.. Complete 2 Purge missions in a row within 30 minutes, at least 4 levels higher.

4 years 110 days ago
You should just play the game for getting those Cortex. I told ya, you don´t necessarily get Cortex on wvery Misssion. Sometimes you get multiples after playing multiple Missions.

Even though you sit and grind for 9 hrs a day 5 days a week, doesn´t necesarily means that you get those 200 max per week.

If you gonna sit the whole Ssn and play you will get it in the end. Stop this and just play if you want to. When you have sat playing for 3.5 months and still missing out on tons of Cortex, THEN I will understand you if you bothered to sit 9hrs a day 5 days a week, or even more. You sat 1 month?? Almost??? And you complaining? Ppffttt. Baahhh.

4 years 110 days ago

cause it an problem and should be fix it very simple.  and  for  Challenges yes some probably tough but if u have an decent build or good build they are nothing, 

i haven't missed any weeks so i shouldn't be short the math very simple.  sunday to sunday is an week i  this game.

This comment was edited 4 years 110 days ago by Cerberus Hades
4 years 111 days ago
If you play enough to actually get 200 Frags per week, you actually get it, and no more.

I have actually played for hours and hours on end through the whole week myself and not got the max outome, still even.

If you play you will get some, and the more...

Play none and you shall get none. The Ssn lasts for 4+ Mths. You think you can make it if you play on regular basis?

Why are people even mentioning this kind of issue, when even still this early in the Ssn? There are tougher Challenges to overcome then some kind of Cortex thing.

4 years 112 days ago
i am short an few cortex i am 572 supposed t be 600 have not miss any weeks since nov 4


4 years 116 days ago
Cerberus Hades
Please note, that the limit of Cortex Fragment drops is 200 per week. This number cannot be exceeded.

We will check on it though, as well as on the Challenges. Thank you for reporting the issue.

4 years 116 days ago
or no daliy rest quest please fix it !!, season is glitched

4 years 116 days ago
I think only max 200 can drop per week? 
4 years 117 days ago
playing seasonal 
4 years 117 days ago

i play on intel but and no  more campaign, so nice try and  there 4 of use in the party, only 1person or 0 is getting even after 20 to 50 games  or more , so ur mistaken   

This comment was edited 4 years 117 days ago by Cerberus Hades
4 years 117 days ago
They drop. They always drops, as they always done. I experienced playing through 15 Missions, and not a single drop, and ten on the 16th Mission I got 22 Fragments in one single splash. So stop this they do not drop. Just play, grind, slay and stop looking at this Cortex Fragments #.