CoreTech2 error


Anyone else get this? I get a popup on Malestrom of carnage mission when I get over 3k kills that says

 Fatal error at ../../src/GameLogic/Helpers/IDManager.cpp(157):Not enough free ID! UserID 0

I have 16gb of ram

I9 processor and a 2070 card

I only get it on this mission also.

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CoreTech2 error
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4 years 13 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 21 days ago


a new hotfix has just been released on PC fixing the 'Not enough free ID' crash issue. We made extensive tests prior to the update to make sure this time the issue will be permanently removed from the current version of Inquisitor but in case we overlooked something and anyone runs into the problem again please inform us here in a reply or at [email protected]. Thanks in advance!

The Emperor Protects.

I just ran into the issue today after 140 hours of bug-free gameplay. AMA.
4 years 21 days ago


a new hotfix has just been released on PC fixing the 'Not enough free ID' crash issue. We made extensive tests prior to the update to make sure this time the issue will be permanently removed from the current version of Inquisitor but in case we overlooked something and anyone runs into the problem again please inform us here in a reply or at [email protected]. Thanks in advance!

The Emperor Protects.

4 years 28 days ago

Our team prepared a new hotfix to PC which should entirely remove the 'Not enough free ID' crash bug. We will push the update out as soon as possible (hopefully today) and would like to ask you to check on the game after that to see if the problem is still present.

We would like to apologize for the caused inconvenience.

4 years 33 days ago
I can non longer progress in the game until this bug is fixed. Instances where there are a lot of graphical elements happening on the screen cause it to crash. I continue to receive this error. At my current level there is always so much happening at once that I cannot avoid it. 
4 years 33 days ago
I'm still receiving this error. it appears to happen most often when there are a LOT of mobs on the screen. It's keeping me from progressing in the main mission and a void crusade...
4 years 36 days ago


we just released a hotfix on PC, fixing the crash bug you all encountered in the last period. Please check on the game when you have some time and let us know if you encounter the same problem again.

We are sorry for the fixes taking this long and would like to thank your patience on the last couple of weeks!

The Emperor Protects.

4 years 43 days ago

Greetings! Recently bought Inquisitor Martyr and clocked nearly 30hrs before the above error [Not enough free ID! UserID 0] started affecting gameplay. Both campaign and side missions are hampered and I cannot progress! Please let us know when fix becomes available. Thanks

4 years 64 days ago
Same problem here in campaign missions
4 years 65 days ago

I have the same problem! I pass the mission in the campaign and constantly crashes this error!

4 years 66 days ago

We are working on this particular crash issues, fixing it in the shortest time possible!