Coop laggy world


Hello Inquisitors !

I play with a friend in coop mode, and we encounter many lag and rollback in all map. In solo we can play without lag and with 60fps in full hd.

The lag appear in random coop match, and we have lag since we have the game bundle (Martyr+prophécy) in november 2019. All the patchs hadn't resolve this very frustrating problem. We are in the steam pc client, and with the fiber connection. I play another titles online as Diablo 3 or CS without any lag.

I dream this game in coop without lag and disconection :-)

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Coop laggy world
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4 years 284 days ago

A few changes took place on our backend earlier this week which corrected a lagging problem in coop. I cannot claim this entirely resolves everyone's rubberbanding in multiplayer but in case you noticed any improvement lately please let us know. The changes reportedly helped some players.

This comment was edited 4 years 284 days ago by Marcopolocs
4 years 303 days ago
I experience this issue with a friend, and it seems it is hard to pinpoint, some mission launch just fine some don't and are a lag-fest with lag-warps pulling us back and lag induced low frames. Like if we were given a good server of bad server, that is how we call it.
4 years 303 days ago
Also having hard troubles with lag on coop. Any news on this? is it a general problem?
4 years 307 days ago

Same thing here. Steam client, Martyr+prophécy, fiber connection, Coop is laggy every time I try it.

Its so laggy I now avoid it completely. Which is a shame because i really enjoy Coop and i think that mode could offer more.