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- Content Patch 0.4.0 is delayed for a few days
Hello everyone,
Some of you were probably anticipating the big content patch to hit today along with a large-scale livestream, but unfortunately I have to bring some bittersweet news.
We have a very promising beta update on Steam right now, but we don't want to toss it in your hands for the weekend in this state when we could improve it a huge deal in the next couple days - which is what we're gonna do.
This content patch will bring some huge improvements and changes, so we want to make it perfect for when we make the second step, to Alpha 2.0.
Just a few things to come:
- Tier system's base
- New enchants
- Redesigned skill tree
- Redesigned Loot window
- Balance improvements
- New map subsettings
- Map weather/lighting settings
- Seamless loading
- New map subquests
- New starting gear
- ...and many more!
TL;DR: Patch is getting polished, will be released within a few days along with a livestream.
Until then, a little teaser:
I hope that you guys understand this - thanks for your patience and all the support you have provided so far for us. Without you, we couldn't possibly make this awesome project. See you next week!
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Keep up the good work. I'd love to see it go back to a more tactical style of play too. Where cover is viable again. Looking forward to it, you guys have done a great job and after 350 hours in I still have fun. I really want to see Cabal membership cap expanded though, because 20 is just not enough. I have my own Cabal founded, which is light rp oriented, but 20 is just not enough. I have had overwhelmingly interest in my Ordo and 40 would be a great start for a new cap. Otherwise, keep up the good work.
The poor Chaos Marine. Having to stand there, day and night, during sun, rain, storm and fog. He has feelings, too....
When this week?
Please buff melee cause it sucks balls. And many times I faced bug when camera don't allow you to move to the corner of the map and kill enemies there as melee. And you are doomed if you don't have range weapon. This is something critical.
Hey guys, thanks for the update and looking forward to seeing the new patch. Just got the game last week and been sinking time to get a feel. Looking forward on giving feedback after the next update.
Thanks for the heads up, Looking forward to next week then, I kind of expected this to be honest I know you guys don't like releasing patches on weekends due to the problems that can come up that may need hot fixes.
i just learn about this game 1 day ago last night i went out and get it even if the game is in development :) i want to be a part some some thing big and i want to see how this game will come out. so far i have spend 5 hours into the game none stop playing lol
here are the thing that i have seen that need some improvement.
1. i dont know if the enemy spawn on higher level but on level 2 area the enemy dont spawn that need to change, why cause after u have killed them in one area and move on if u have to back track there is nothing for you to do but run to the next area that you have not been to yet cause of this the map fells empty and boring dont get me wrong the fighting is good but when its over its over :( also please dont let the enemy spawn in front of you that will kill the game emersion let them spawn 1 map down so you cant see them coming to ward you that way it feels like you have not been there before.
2. the character need to run faster i mean i get it you dont want people to have a fast running speed cause they will just do a speed run but to solve this problem all you have to do is when the character is shoting he cant run, and if he is ruing and he gets shot he will stop runing and if you are worried about him slowly backing away from a fight and just running away them let them have like a cool down on there running so that way after they cant spam the running. :) i hope that make sense
Yes, it is lacking optimization, which, as stated comes at a later state.
Wanna bet that nothing will change in the performance field? Game uses 100% GPU and CPU at points heating up to 80C, while still being at 30fps, something is clearly wrong, its just not elegant
Thank you for the heads up. Fresh updated purging next week, Hyped!
Looking very cool, Emperor bless you!
Amazing. Honestly impressed. Keep up the good work!
Why dont you start with optimising the engine... and THEN make more content, is beyond me
Because that is the worst thing you could do while developing software. Not only do you waste resources optimizing code that would get replaced or extended anyway, you also make extending said code more difficult. Optimization usually comes at later stages, when the code is relatively stable.
Why dont you start with optimising the engine... and THEN make more content, is beyond me
Very exciting. Been looking forward to new stuff to test, and yes, a character reset. Take your time, do it right !
Set this current order state as My default.