Construct AI shutting off


If you happen to have constructs and they spread to far around from your, they can shut of their AI and simply stand around, taking fire. You then have to go back to them to make them start doing stuff again.

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Construct AI shutting off
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5 years 199 days ago
I can confirm tame behavior, seen with both Tach priests we are playing with wife.

5 years 199 days ago
Thanks for the additional details!
5 years 200 days ago
Having payed more attention to this, this also happens if they spread out for melee and then I happen to walk away from them. When I got back to them I was able to see them in the upper corner of my screen and when I got close enough again they just suddenly reactivated and used their skills/attacks again.
5 years 200 days ago
Thanks for the additional info, we will look into this!
5 years 201 days ago

I got Melee Constructs so they are kinda prone to walking around and trying to get in close combat. On open maps I sometimes can see them, due to the angle of the camera, doing nothing while they get attacked. When I check on the minimap their green dots simply stand still.

When I get closer again, they start performing their skills/attacks again.

My Theory is that when I stand still and allow my bots to spread out from me they can get "out of bounds" due to their attempts of getting into melee and their AI may not account for that and simply shut off if it is to far away from the player.

This comment was edited 5 years 201 days ago by FieserMoep
5 years 201 days ago
You mean if the distance is too big between you and your constructs, they stop responding?