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- constant crashing on PS4
constant crashing on PS4
Warhammer 40K Bug Report(copied from my reddit post)
so i recently downloaded martyr and have been having a blast, the past few days of playing have been fine with a crash every now and then; far more than any game i’m used to, but nothing deterring to my overall enjoyment.
recently, however, it has started crashing the minute i hit the character loading screen at the main menu. i have no idea what to do and would love some help
update: restarted the console, and i was able to enter the game. i tried to talk to the captain dude you rescue after the second trip back to the martyr, and the game crashed again, i came back and it skipped the convo, so i did another mission and it was fine until the end loading screen when it crashed again :(
this game is so much fun and it was running totally fine just a few hours ago i have no clue what’s causing this but cyberpunk (on release) ran more consistently than this
update 2: i rebuilt my database and it immediately crashed on the menu i quit who cares
update 3: i deleted and reinstalled the game and it crashed in the middle of a mission
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Hey there, I'm really sorry for not getting back to you immediately, your post must have slipped through the cracks for me, I apologize. Could (the both of) you please share with me the following info?
What type of console are you using exactly?
What region are you in? (EU, US, JPN)
What is the name of your character(s) you are experiencing the crashes with?
What is your in-game account name?
Thank you in advance for any and all info you can provide us with, and I apologize once more for not getting back to you.
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