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Console Support Information
Warhammer 40K Support AreaInquisitors!
We're receiving a lot of feedback following the console release of Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr across all platforms and social media, so we'd like to gather everything that might concern you for a quick reference.
1. Patch is coming soon
Please rest assured that we're constantly monitoring feedback and we're working on patches accordingly. Though this is not a very quick process, you can expect fixes for most common problems regularly, as soon as we have processed feedback, fixed the most pressing problems, and the patches gone through the approval process. These can take several days, but they're on the way.
Our first upcoming patch will improve stability, auto-aiming and fix some of the more common bugs on consoles. Patches will regularly improve the overall game, while free content updates (Seasons) will provide additional content and further improvements. In general, these updates contain the same content as the PC version, but with a slight delay in publication.
2. Verifying your account
There seems to be a few players who have trouble with registration, login or e-mail verifications. If you're one of them, first of all, you should check the following before contacting us:
- Is your e-mail account still active?
- Are you the only user of the e-mail address?
- Is the verification link e-mail maybe in the spam folder?
- Did you enter your e-mail address correctly?
- If you received a 404 on mobile, have you tried clickin on it on a desktop PC?
What you should avoid, as they might be the source of the problem:
- Clicking a verification link after requesting a new one (only the last one will work)
- Spamming verification requests endlessly instead of waiting for a verification link to arrive (it can take a few more seconds, just check again the spam folder, refresh, but don't request a new one every second)
If the problem persists, please contact [email protected], and we can look into your case. Please provide both your e-mail address that you tried to use and your PSN ID or Gamertag.
You can also try registering with another e-mail address, see if that works.
(Also, don't post your e-mail address and console ID on social media by tagging us, as it will be visible to everyone.)
3. Proper channels for technical support
If you'd like to engage in the conversation about technical problems, you can get a faster reply and solution if you target the proper support channels. If you have any technical problems with the game these are the most effective channels:
- Join our Discord, and ask your questions in #techsupport or #general
- For all platforms, contact us at [email protected] or login here on the Community Hub and click the Neocore Messenger
- For specific platforms, contact us at [email protected] and [email protected]
Thank you for reading, we hope you're enjoying the game! Don't forget: the Emperor protects!
Your Thoughts? Please login to place your opinion. Not a member yet? Register here and now!
Thanks in advance!
I am having a similar problem created an account for Neocore and when I put my detailed into the xbox it says it's already used for account linking.
@PNOYBOI916 as we checked your account is properly linked with your ingame account.
On the other hand we deleted your comment as you shared a personal email here.
Please contact us at [email protected] and provide us your PSN/Gamertag as well as an email which we can set as your ingame email.
Our apologize for the caused inconvenience, our colleagues are already on the matter, fixing the registration/verification process.
Did u send an email?
this "this email is already used for account linking" error is pretty frustrating
If the problem persists, please contact [email protected], and we can look into your case. Please provide both your e-mail address that you tried to use and your PSN ID or Gamertag.
Did u send an email?
this "this email is already used for account linking" error is pretty frustrating
Also got a reply from the message i sent. Im now logged in.
i sent an email to neocore and while i was waiting for a reply i tried to type the email address ingame and somehow it worked
it took me to the account registration form in game however.
meantime i got a reply from neocore asking for some details and i replied to them that i did the registration process ingame using the same email i used in the browser hoping i didn't screw up my account.
will let you guys know once i get a reply from neocore
i got a very fast reply from neocore regarding the account and they reasured me that doing the registration again ingame didn't affect my account at all. they also veryfied my account whilst checking.
so they DO work on weekends and they reply very fast(at least for Xbox)
hope this helps
i sent an email to neocore and while i was waiting for a reply i tried to type the email address ingame and somehow it worked
it took me to the account registration form in game however.
meantime i got a reply from neocore asking for some details and i replied to them that i did the registration process ingame using the same email i used in the browser hoping i didn't screw up my account.
will let you guys know once i get a reply from neocore
Hi, everyone. I've wrote that had a problem with verification on PS4. I've sent neocore a message and they help (it took 1 hour).
Same here. Just downloaded it from Games with Gold and have the same error message....dafuq?!
More than 20 days than 3 of of characters are stuck with the crashing bugs, I should be happy with it ??
If they'd simply come out and say, "We can't release the patch until November for [insert BS excuse] and we understand that isn't fair to our customers. So we're refunding everyone who paid for the Charybdis Outpost DLC that is inaccessible (although you'll still be able to play it whenever we get around to fixing it) and we'll think of some way to make up for giving you an unfinished product." That would be fine. But nope. And then they act confused when people aren't happy.
I finally get to 48 and now the game seems to crash all the time. I dont get it, the game worked fine up till now . Now all of a sudden its unstable. Hell it often shuts my console down completely which is NOT COOL!!!! It seems to happen after a level loads before the game starts the level. Sometimes it even shuts my wifi connection off on my xbox forcing me to restart the machine. This is the only game this does it with and I can almost time my watch to it, its so consistent now. Needless to say I now cant play the game I paid for let alone get to Warzone.
I am pretty upset and I am reticent to even start the game up anymore, who knows what kind of damage this forced shutdown is doing to my console. Its a real shame because I love the game :(
Still I agree with the fact that a lot of comments are toxic as you say :) I mean I do understand that ppl will be angry when buying full-price a buggy game (I have 4 chars and 4 are stuck due to Harbingers of Hate/Vipers Nest bugs) yet I just play the main char that isn't stuck, and simply play coop or assignment for others 4 ^^ I remember the days when a game came out and you had to pay near 200F (around 30$) to play it, and if it was bugged you'd get stuck forever cuz no updates or patches in the 90's on consoles ;)
I'm not saying it's a normal situation from an editor/dev team, yet it could be much worse !
So keep up the good work devs, game is great and getting better that's all that matters !
The Wiwitcheur
Tried local coop game last night, after the missions (completed) a weird thing happened each time :
- animations for characters to teleport back to the ship occured as normal
- then screen stayed on mission map (with several clones from Hololitic Armor skill still on the map and moving randomly)
- then loading screen to end mission, and no reward screen. The loot obtained during the mission was lost too.
Don't know if it's intended or a bug, never tried local coop before...
Support : PS4
The Wiwitcheur
Please contact us at [email protected] and provide us your PSN/Gamertag as well as an email which we can set as your ingame email.
Our apologize for the caused inconvenience, our colleagues are already on the matter, fixing the registration/verification process.