Console release and next milestone of marketing genre


10 days before release so its an obvious question: what about XB1/XB1X/PS4Pro gameplay and comparison videos? Would it be nice to do your marketing job and build some hype with the information about upcoming console version events(unholy grindcursion and malcorum bugprime) and bugfixes(The first and only of his name - THE PALACE UNDER SIEGE timer). Anyway, hope the console version is silky smooth full of fun gore xenoheretical eradication game. Best of luck, guys. Emperor protects)

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Console release and next milestone of marketing genre
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6 years 185 days ago
Hiero Glyph
It's still coming! More information soon. 
6 years 186 days ago

With how it’s been going we won’t find out if it comes out til the day before like all the other false alarms that announced that the game was being pushed back we were supposed to get a dlc code a week before release if we had it preordered before and I’ve received no code yet

6 years 186 days ago
Posted by Morzan 6 years 192 days ago
Don't worry, you can expect more information about the console versions in the upcoming days.

Did we miss the information or is it still coming because the game is supposed to release in just a few days? Or is this one of those situations where we need to wait for BigBen to give us the information first?
6 years 187 days ago
Posted by Morzan 6 years 192 days ago
Don't worry, you can expect more information about the console versions in the upcoming days.

So - that was 4 days ago. Release is in 4 days - I don't usually cry foul play or "game is dead/abandoned" but this does seem extremely weird. 

I REALLY enjoy most of Neocores games (Van Helsing, King Arthur), Hell, The Kings Crusade, which didn't work at all after a while is one of my favorite games, but this seems like a huge miss to me. 

Come on, Neocore - Get in the game! 

6 years 192 days ago
Posted by Morzan 6 years 192 days ago
Don't worry, you can expect more information about the console versions in the upcoming days.

Thanks for the reply.  Hope its not another delay:)

6 years 192 days ago
Yes we when the next expected release date is after it gets pushed back again....


Sorry i couldn't resist...

(oohhhh come on we are all thinking it)

6 years 192 days ago
Don't worry, you can expect more information about the console versions in the upcoming days.