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Hey, Hunters and Inquisitors!
You might have seen them in action already, but here's a list of our latest updates in the Community Hub and Neocore Web Systems:
- New flat / material icons, separators and frames ("Play", "Load More")
- Typographical updates
- Pinned / featured comment
- "Highly rated" feature
- At the profile editor there's a new Cover Art positioning feature and an updated editor
- Free term search engine
- New filter: "HIGHLIGHTS" - for posts made in blog mode (useful to search for official news)
- New filter: "TRENDING" - for finding active threads with new comments
- Other new filters: "Read", "Unread", "Commented", "Posted"
- Online status indicator
- "Stay logged in" option without time limit
- New "Up-to-Top" icon
- Commenting as the post creator now gives you an "OP" sign at your profile picture
- New account setup help page for newcomers with a Facebook registration and for legacy accounts
- "GAME TYPE" now works as a filter in posts
- Pinned posts updated
- Store updated (graphics, UX, search)
- Smoother transition with search engine in Store
- Updated WYSIWYG Editor at "CREATE NEW POST"
- Updated browser bar
- Updated menu bar with new subtitles (About Us, Beta, Products)
Also, there's a new redeem page for Van Helsing: Final Cut, please use this to redeem your free copy if you own the individual titles on Steam.
Still there's a lot of work to be done, but we hope you like the new features. You can always provide feedback, so we can improve the website - and more improvements are definitely coming in the following weeks, months.
We hope you enjoy your stay here.
Your Thoughts? Please login to place your opinion. Not a member yet? Register here and now!
Please optimize the community page with mobile - it's unbearable to read / comment on my phone, which is where I do most of my browsing! :)
The "Community HUB" and the "Profile Areas" are the first ones on the web systems' priority list, but sadly it's not really an easy and fast sub-module task (+ we need to do a lot of other things & polishing in the background), so please be patient, we're on it! : ]
Please optimize the community page with mobile - it's unbearable to read / comment on my phone, which is where I do most of my browsing! :)
Set this current order state as My default.