Come To Coventry:

Warhammer Fest 2017



Warhammer Fest is coming up this weekend, so this is a good time to meet some of us in person (Viktor, our Narrative Designer and Gergo from the PR department will be there), and if you still haven't tried the game, this is a wonderful opportunity to do so. 

A few things you should know:

  • the build we're bringing is the current Alpha version (already out there for the Founders)
  • you're free to ask anything
  • you might be interrogated to prove your loyalty to the Emperor (standard procedure)

Anyway, it's a fun annual event celebrating all things Warhammer with the largest collection of products from Games Workshop, and a great way to connect with other fans as well. It will be held in Coventry this weekend (May 27-28).

For detailed information and tickets, click here, and if you'd like to read about our visit last year, read it here.

We hope to see you soon!

This post was edited 7 years 107 days ago by Tender
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Come To Coventry: Warhammer Fest 2017
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7 years 107 days ago

See you on Sunday!

7 years 107 days ago

Although i'm not sure if i will be attending (last minute decisions may change) I wish you all the best in showing off this amazing alpha to the masses hope the event goes awesome for you all. 

Make sure to interrogate them well fellow Inquisitors, Airsick Hydra will be on the hunt for the spiciest of leaks i'm sure. 

7 years 106 days ago

There is an old Chinese proverb that applies neatly here.  

"An inquisitor who asks the right questions, gets the spiciest leaks"

Wisdom rating 5/7
7 years 106 days ago

Are you going to do a Q&A video?

7 years 106 days ago
Posted by Airsick Hydra 7 years 107 days ago

See you on Sunday!

Are you going to take video and do a Q&A with the devs?

7 years 106 days ago
Posted by Veda Raa 7 years 106 days ago

Are you going to take video and do a Q&A with the devs?

Perhaps another question could be 'Will you get any meaningful answers ' ...on the record', from the Devs as opposed to vague replies and 'Don't quote me'? ;)

7 years 106 days ago
Grey Knight

Such a question may or may not yield results.

7 years 106 days ago
Posted by Tender 7 years 106 days ago

Such a question may or may not yield results.

7 years 106 days ago

Thank you for your report. Keep it up.