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- Co-op Loading screen bug
Co-op Loading screen bug
Warhammer 40K Bug Report
6 years 356 days ago
replied 6 years 356 days ago
Joining missions with friends on co-op results in getting stuck in a loading screen and having to alt+f4 out and reconnect. Still with the same result of not being able to join with them. Trying to get some feedback on why I can't play missions with my friends. Any help would be nice! Enjoy the game a ton, just want to be able to play with friends.
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Co-op Loading screen bug
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6 years 356 days ago
Rightclick on the name of the person in activated chat ;). Or /invite Nameoftheperson /invite "name of the person" (if there is a space in the name). Should work afaik ^^, at least the first thing. Oh and don't mind, people are used to a random "+" in the all chat ;).
6 years 356 days ago
My friends and I aren't even getting that far, we keep getting matchmaking unavailable messages
6 years 356 days ago
Do you use the coop console or do you use the chat to inviite? There was a bug where a player need to alt+f4 in the loading screen who is not the host. Everyone should be able to connect then as well as the reloading person. Anyway good that you say that there is still a coop bug :).
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