CO-op Down ?


Quick and simple as of the 15th any attempt to play co-op results in a server timeout when attempting to start a mission. 

Before the 15th co-op was working while lagging to the point of unplayable but you could start a mission with others,  i have tested with 3 people so far an and all 3 are unable to start co-op games. 

This post was edited 7 years 160 days ago by ASRGT
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CO-op Down ?
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7 years 156 days ago
update: still down 
7 years 158 days ago
update: co-op still not functioning for my self and 3 others "session timed out" still. 

It did work for 5 minutes this morning about minutes after the patch deployed  and again when i say worked the lag was unplayable at least for us who are all in Australia . 

Again once the game crashes or goes out of sync it seems co-op is then dead and unplayable until i assume a session timeout is reached or some such or perhaps the graphics calculator that is been used as a server just has no more sessions available :P 

7 years 159 days ago
Co-op is no worky, every single person I have tried to play with it says "Session Timed Out"

7 years 159 days ago
Still down :(
7 years 159 days ago
Posted by ASRGT 7 years 159 days ago
Was working for about 10 minutes then games disconnect or go out of sync ( enemy's dont respond anymore) and now back to server time out each time we attempt co-op. 


7 years 159 days ago
Was working for about 10 minutes then games disconnect or go out of sync ( enemy's dont respond anymore) and now back to server time out each time we attempt co-op. 

7 years 159 days ago
Now it crashes everytime we try coop. It gets connected and bam warhamer logo and no bar loading.
7 years 159 days ago
well I cant test it right now. Yesterday when u fixed it. Managed to play 1 session. Couldnt finish as it froze before completion(like 15-20 minutes). After this no coop. Probably for everyone.
7 years 159 days ago
It should be fine now.
7 years 159 days ago

Are you getting the same error? We'll look into it nevertheless, just asking.

7 years 159 days ago
Still not working
7 years 159 days ago
Yeah it is not working for me. My name won't even be detected by /invite either. 
7 years 160 days ago
Does anyone else when CO-OP does work experience huge input delay for reloading and weapon switching for example ? 

Last night in our co-op game it took and yes i timed it :D between 45 seconds and over 5 minutes to respond to a reload command and weapon switch , along with this no one could pick up any loot or items 

7 years 160 days ago
I too am getting "Server Timed out" with coop.  Any work arounds? 
7 years 160 days ago
Yea pls fix it.
7 years 160 days ago
Well we managed to finish the 2/3 of a mission and it froze. Now again connection timed out. No Coop Again.
7 years 160 days ago
Confirmed now working Praise the emperor  \0/
7 years 160 days ago
Should be fine now, there was a session running for 19 hours which was screwing with the server.
7 years 160 days ago
Should be fine now, there was a session running for 19 hours which was screwing with the server.
7 years 160 days ago

same here ! Only tried after build 1.3 release but never got it to work. Server time out every time

7 years 160 days ago
Thanks for looking into it. 
7 years 160 days ago

We'll look into it in a bit. 

EDIT: indeed it does not work for me atm, we'll see what can cause this.

This comment was edited 7 years 160 days ago by Megapull
7 years 160 days ago
Had the same all last night, would love to know.