Co-op bug after death.


Hi Neocore team!

Inq: Martyr is one of the favourite games of @shmouf and I, but we've noticed an occasional bug in co-op. We first noticed it during the last season but it appears to happen this season too.

If one of the characters in a co-op game dies and chooses to respawn (rather than being revived by a co-op player) sometimes they will appear to be a "ghost". To the player, they can run around (and even through some doors) but cannot shoot/harm enemies. They can still open chests/supplies/medical or click on cogitators to progress missions. If they try and drop turrets (as crusader) or spawn constructs (as techpriest) the turret/construct will appear near where they "respawned" instead of where they are.

The other player will see them be alive again where they died and watch them shoot, but they will not move and will not harm enemies.

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Co-op bug after death.
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3 years 38 days ago
When my friend died and bugged they were a psyker.

But when I died and bugged out I was a crusader.

3 years 48 days ago

Is the bugged character a Psyker maybe? Because then I can connect this issue to another one. It is just an assumption yet but who knows. 

3 years 58 days ago

sorry, this seems to be a replica of my friend's previous post:

The bug still exists this season and has been happening roughly between 3-5 respawns after death.