Clue out of order cause endgame bug to glitch out entire store


The investigation through and fire and flames went beyond the clue steps to 10/7 which didnt affect anything at first proceeded to complete game and after harbingers of hate i recieved speech options for the through fire and flames which made me replay 2 missions from that questline one was flavius draken quest after completion i had to talk to the captain she told me about the moon coordinates and such but now after she has a speech mark above her head and i cannot talk to her anymore and i cannot use the store because of it i cannot sell or buy anything its really bothering me i am lvl 42 and i dont want to restart the game which i really enjoy my game is the xbox one version i would really love to be able to keep playing everytime i shut the game and restart i recieve the same dialogue from the captain about the unholy moon and cannot use the store my inventory is getting filled and i cannot do anything about it besides salvage items please help

This post was edited 6 years 212 days ago by Randazzio
Store Page
Clue out of order cause endgame bug to glitch out entire store
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6 years 195 days ago

I'm having the same problem.

Psn MrDezN86tZ

Character Mike Kuntz

6 years 204 days ago
Hello, do I simply add my Xbox GT and Character Name here to Report the same issue?

If so:

Xbox Live GT - teezo06

Character Name - Burgle

If this isn’t the appropriate course of action, would you kindly point me in the right direction? 


6 years 205 days ago

This exact thing is happening to me too 

Had to replay the missions once complete the store has dialogue then can't use shop 

My gamer tag is iGeordie93

Character name is iGeordie93

(Creative ....I know ha)

This comment was edited 6 years 205 days ago by iGeordie93
6 years 211 days ago
I am having the same issue with the npc after it had me repeat the same mission that the post spoke about the same text was spoken about the unholy moon and now I can not use the store at all. Being that I’m luv 40 and have a pa of 1050 I would hate to have to start fresh is there anyway to fix this issue.
6 years 211 days ago
Posted by Randazzio 6 years 211 days ago

GT: Randazzio

Character name: Randazzio

Thanks, on it!
6 years 211 days ago

GT: Randazzio

Character name: Randazzio

6 years 211 days ago
Hi, can you get me your gamertag/PSN and character name?