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- Chapter 2 - Saving Caius Thorn (Xbox)
Hi, i did 2/3 searches for the magos, then joined a friend to do the last location and now i neither have her or the final waypoint for the location in my game. Any help?
Xbox gt- kkl44 2
Character- Cazador (Psyker lvl17)
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Chapter 2 - Saving Caius Thorn (Xbox)
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4 years 254 days ago
came back to say i logged on today and its suddenly completed not exactly sure whats going on or if the team helped me out, if it was just circumstance that it worked when i logged in cool. but if the team running the game had anything to do with it thank you!
4 years 255 days ago
Hello, I hit the the issue were I can't progress past the 2/3 mark for Saving Caius Thorn and I tried going into other systems and going back into the Aethon and none of that seems to fix the issue. I have done a few other missions in and out of that system and nothing seems to get that to progress more. I only have my single character not sure if there is anything much more I can try in-game.
Gamertag: ShamuelLJackson
4 years 255 days ago
i play on the xbox with the gamertag UWFD and the mision where you are supposed to get the magos biologis has glitched out for me where i have gone to all planets but still have yet to get the clue or meet the biologis, its weird because i have multiple characters and it worked just fine for two others but with my crusader named UWFD i ran into this problem. again my gamertag on the xbox is uwfd and it was specifically on my crusader named UWFD, not sure why the mission worked fine for other characters though.
4 years 255 days ago
Figured it out! Didn’t realise i needed to move back a layer on the map
4 years 255 days ago
I just started yesterday on PC and have the same issue that everyone here, and everyone from last year, has been having. Chapter 2 seems to be bugged across platforms and the time space continuum.
4 years 256 days ago
You need to travel to the Aethon System on the Starmap. Even after travelling there you cannot see the active missions?
4 years 256 days ago
Also having the same problem
gt- igz xfuzionzz
Character is called Cheets I think
4 years 257 days ago
I guess i hit this issue also, been playing random missions and stuck at 2/3 progress on this mission. GT ShamuelLJackson
4 years 257 days ago
I am also having this issue on Xbox one. User name is ThatOneGuy069 character name is Kinsethe
4 years 263 days ago
Having the exact same issue on xbox. Finished mission in co op, cant continue is single player.
Gamertag: DrNecromorph MD
4 years 263 days ago
We just corrected the problem could you please check on it?
Set this current order state as My default.