Change In-Game Account Name?


I accidentally mispelled my screen name and have no idea if I need to delete a registry key/file or if there's a button I can press in-game to fix that. Was wondering if that had been implemented yet? Thanks for your time!

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Change In-Game Account Name?
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7 years 302 days ago
I dont think it will be possible in the future, but i'm adding this to our request list.
7 years 302 days ago

Hey thanks man. I know I can name my character but going by "Lowcashbri" in game chat is just embarrassing lol. Thanks for your consideration, and for this wonderful alpha.

7 years 302 days ago

Glad to see I wasn't the only one with this issue - its very minor, yes, but rather annoying

7 years 305 days ago

I did find the registry key, but after just changing the spelling there it didn't fix it. Gonna restart, see if that helps.

7 years 305 days ago

That's a big no-go on the restart helping sadly. The registry key retained the new setting, but the in-game name is still misspelled. Thanks again for your consideration!

7 years 305 days ago

If you ever do resolve this, please let me know; you are not the only one who made a typo error ... hi ho. .....  :)