Cant use Full HD Resolution



just bought the final cut because it isnt available for ps4. i posted the first problem about network error in another thread.

My next Problem is that i cant use a Full HD Resolution. I found a workaround on steam but it doesnt work good, because when i change it to the full resolution with the CFG>>Folder>>File Workaround (, i get  an UI problems and cant barely see anything in the menu after restart. When changing back to 1366x768 everything is fine except it is a bit blurry.

Is there another fix?

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Cant use Full HD Resolution
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4 years 118 days ago
you need to remove the "windows 10 upscale" : it s the parameter just above the resolution setting when you are on you desktop. I folowed the same steam post this morning, and still had probleme. Then i remove the upscale from 150% to 100% and now i have hight quality texture and no more "graphical bug"  (And don't forget to go in the advanced video setting to download high res texture : the DLC download from steam dont work really well, i had to activate from in game settings)