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Can't finish missions
Warhammer 40K Bug ReportHello there!
I really enjoy "Inquisitor - Martyr", but the game crashes nearly every time, when I'm about to finish a mission. First this show up:
Then the game shut down, and show this message:
Tried every kind of mission, to install new, cry a lot, but nothing helps so far.
Hope for quick help!
MfG from Austria!
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Hi! Could you please message me about this on this page's support chat, or write an e-mail to support@neocoregames.com ? If possible, please include a screen recording of this occurrence as well. Thank you!
Our team prepared a new hotfix to PC which should entirely remove the 'Not enough free ID' crash bug. We will push the update out as soon as possible (hopefully today) and would like to ask you to check on the game after that to see if the problem is still present.
We would like to apologize for the caused inconvenience.
Still ongoing. I have given up trying to complete the Ebony Void Crusade. Only have the final ones to do and tried all three and crashes on any one of them with this error. One that got me last night, I know glutton for punishment, I tried a Ordo Malleus, got all of the gates destroyed, etc. Mission Accomplish came up and before I could hit Quit, error :( and lost it all. Like the hour I spent was in vain. I use 2 handed grav gun switch with hammer and shield.
We are still working on this problem and are collecting even more information on the matter. We would like to ask you to share your own experience under the following Steam thread: https://steamcommunity.com/app/527430/discussions/0/4403925145416246863/
We will be grateful for any input you make!
Today I decided to check the game and lo and behold, I went through three missions without crashes. Then I decided to go through the Intel mission. I passed it and I had only to press the button to complete the mission, but the game crashed! Arrr, how angry I am!
a few days ago, at the Loot Box area of a Mastered Supreme Void mission, while i was clearing my personal stash to make room for the loot, the game crashed on me..
when i logged back in, it told me i have completed the Void Crusade.. but all the loot was gone, even the items on my character..
i hope u guys could fix the issue asap mate.
We have been waiting almost a month for this error to be fixed. First time like this. I bought it, but I can't play.
I confirm. I flew out in 5 minutes in the morning. (Void Crusade). I really want to play.
Completed 3 different missions. I was already delighted, but on the fourth (void crusades) mission + 203% I took off with an error.
Yes. The game started to crash more and more often. This can happen at any moment.
At void crusades activated with crimson and ebony void shards. But i completed a ivory void crusade without any problems. Sometimes the game shut down at intel missions too.
I turned off the antivirus. Reinstalled the video driver. I changed weapons and equipment. Skills. Refused various trips. I thought it was just crusades. No. This can happen in any mission. Yesterday I went through 3 missions in a row and thought that I found a way out. But no, it jumped out on the intel mission. This is terribly annoying. Win 7 64 bit Ult. Geforce gtx 1080 CPU Intel 4770k. It started right after the last update.
@MORATIO could you please tell me in which missions and crusades did you run into this bug?
It works now, but I'm still nervous with every lagg. Hope thats helpful!
Have the same issue here too.
I have the same. Can't finish my trip. This is very irritating.
We are still working on this problem and are collecting even more information on the matter. We would like to ask you to share your own experience under the following Steam thread: https://steamcommunity.com/app/527430/discussions/0/4403925145416246863/
We will be grateful for any input you make!