Can't access characters selection screen after loading


Hello, there!

Since I got the game also on Xbox (entered the same e-mail than on my PC account), I have a screen when I initialise the game, with twho boxes telling I should re-connect or quit.
Since today, re-connect does not work, but when I choose "Quit", I could access my characters selection screen.

Today, both won'ty work, as "Quit" really makes me quiot the game.
I've just purchased Prophecy extension, so I'm a bit sad...

 Secondary question: Is it possible to join PC and XBox characters, as more and more games nowadays use Play Aywhere? Because I had to start new characters...


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Can't access characters selection screen after loading
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4 years 266 days ago
The problem got averted yesterday and the servers are back and running again. Please check if you still experience the problem. You should have access to your characters now.

Cross-platform is not an available feature in the game, hence players on different platforms cannot group up.