Cabal Ranks


    There's some basic functionality that most clan/guild systems have now that I think we really need. For one, I don't see any obvious way to even know what permissions or abilities the various ranks even have. So I think being more transparent on that would be helpful, even if you never intend to allow us to customize the ranks.

    Another important thing would be to allow us to have at least one more rank in between Lord and Adept. There are many reasons for needing that. Foremost is there is a necessity to have a rank that differentiates the most highly trusted members of the Cabal from those who are not new to the Cabal but also not just recognized for that very reason. To deconstruct that, we need :

- (Acolyte) a rank that clearly defines someone as being completely new and/or complete lurker. 

- (Adept) a rank that identifies someone as not being a real contributor, but clearly not a n00b

- (????) a rank that rewards participation and contribution, however, is not intended to be someone with extreme powers (such as kicking members/accepting applicants/changing the cabal message/etc.)

- (Lord) a rank that allows someone to act as the head of the cabal, the most trusted of members who wield nearly ultimate authority and can be trusted with policing members

- (Grandmaster) The rank of ultimate authority and judiciary power.

    Perhaps I'm wrong, perhaps there's already extra ranks or someway to affect their permissions and I'm simply not aware of it or haven't unlocked that capability. If so, I would be more than happy to know about it. 

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Cabal Ranks
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6 years 180 days ago
I started my cabal today and ranked a mate up but also had no idea what bonuses he gets being promted, this was on xbox 1