Cabal quests have not updated 2nd week in a row on Xbox!


Basically, as the title has outlined, we cannot progress our cabal XP or level up. I completed our last 3 missions before reset last week, reset occurred, it stated  7days at the bottom of the cabal info screen, but the missions hadn't reset. 4 green check boxes indicated 4 missions completed. This week it's the same thing. Please fix this so my cabal can carry on accruing quests and XP!

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Cabal quests have not updated 2nd week in a row on Xbox!
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6 years 114 days ago
I’m hoping with the release of season 1 content on consoles a bunch of bug fixes will come as well but that’s my personal speculation. But 3 - ? Weeks of not being able to do Cabal missions is pretty bad considering how they limit the number of missions a cabal can do each week. 
6 years 114 days ago
Have any of you gotten any help here? Devs have been caught outright lying about patchs/fixxes for console for weeks now, unless you get action, the words you may get from the devs are hollow.
6 years 114 days ago
I have 14 people in my cabal so far. I end up doing most of the missions by myself, I would prefer people join who are a bit more active, but I can appreciate the grind IM offers isn't for everyone. I really do enjoy the game and would like to play it a lot more. Grinding the warzone missions to gain warzone currency to spend when the next update goes live and increases the gear score cap level. Would like to grind out cabal missions inbetween to change it up a bit, but like Damaskinos said, it is aggravating. An update would be greatly appreciated. 

I know the next console update is sometime in November, perhaps the fix will be included within it?

6 years 115 days ago
Cabal DeepEyes is having this issue on Xbox One as well.  We’ve almost wasted 2 weeks of cabal mission experience.  Our Cabal would likely be level 5 right now.  I posted about this issue awhile ago and a Dev response was simply that it was being worked on.  The game needs more things like Cabal missions so people can do things as a team and if the few team oriented things in the game aren’t working it’s a pretty big problem. Some kind of update on Cabal weekly mission resets would be greatly appreciated.  


AZ Mayday - Xbox gamertag

6 years 115 days ago
Yea, I thought it was just me... kinda aggravating.