Bugs in execution tarot card and belt mine skill usage near AA gun


Execution tarot card: it gave me +2 extra villains in mission, but the villains didn't spawn in the map. (was first mission in right path in viridian void crusade).

Belt mine skill: placing mine field near aa gun (usually where the commander enemy is standing front of AA gun), chest, bunker anything that requires interaction from a player cannot be completed (this have been long in the game). This bug makes AA gun missions impossible to complete.

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Bugs in execution tarot card and belt mine skill usage near AA gun
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4 years 196 days ago
Same thing happened in bonus mission (blue mission in far right, north of kastelan robot mission). Looks like +2 villains doesn't spawn in viridian void crusade).
4 years 196 days ago
Thanks for the report we will check these!