Bugged mechanisms during co-op missions



Please be noted: 

1.  Las gun of the psioli combustor is bugged during co-op mission. They cannot apply blind debuff granted by passive skill tree, and the damage is considerably lower than normal.

Interestingly, they would function normally after the character died and respawned during mission. 

2. Some players said that  they cannot move after they got knocked back/down by some charging enemies.

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Bugged mechanisms during co-op missions
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3 years 65 days ago
Can confirm now this is not related to enemy type.

If psyker get knocked down by warp anomalies during co-op, there is chance that he will not be able to move/attack afterwards.

3 years 74 days ago

More precisely:

Vivisector claw: cannot apply bleed during co-op.

Combuster lasergun: cannot apply blind during co-op.

Combuster autogun: cannot apply poison during co-op.

Tarantula lasergun: cannot apply heat vulnerability.

These issues would disappear after the character respawns during mission.

Seems the related passive skills are not correctly taking effect when entering co-op mission. And there may be more passive skills face similar problem.

3 years 74 days ago

It's said Bullgryns and Plagueridden could cause this problem.

The issue doesn't happen every time the character get knocked down, it happens with a probability.

And besides cannot move, the player cannot attack/summon or even open inventory.


Just tested the above 2 issues with my friend, I can cofirm now there is indeed problem for the psioli combustor : blind, bleeding, poison cannot be applied with their attack. 

For the second prolem it's hard for me to reproduce for now... I suspect this could happen more often when one has bad connection quality.

3 years 74 days ago

OK, I'll be back after I have more specific information :)

3 years 74 days ago
Point 1 is quite simple and can be checked easily.

Point 2, however, needs further clarification. Which enemy types can cause this? Charging Bullgryns?