Bug with objective interaction


Recently I started to experience some bugs concerning the AA Mortar Guns, so I started to rethink and test some interactions.
1- Dead bodies. Dead bodies do not stop you to interact with the objectives.

2- Debris. Didn't or can't reproduce this one.

3- Another inquisitor. Playing coop don't stop you to interact with the objectives.

4- Skills. Well, this one I could reproduce 80% of time. I played 10 "Silence the guns" mission and scattered some mines around/in front of the Mortar guns and 8 times I can't interact with the objectives. When I manage to bring some enemies to destroy the mines I proceed to finish or interact with the objective.

Solution: Maybe giving a time limit to mines could solve the problem, since you can exterminate everything on the map and being alone with no one damned soul to help you out. 

Take care.

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Bug with objective interaction
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2 years 74 days ago
Posted by Number 6 2 years 74 days ago
This bug still happens for no apparent reason. Unable to interact with chest or cogitators in "The Silent Place" mission forced to restart. You would think this basic bug would have been patched out at this point. 
And.... after a restart of the mission I got the same behavior in the same spot with the chest and cogitator. Forced stopped the game, will try again tomorrow. 
2 years 74 days ago
This bug still happens for no apparent reason. Unable to interact with chest or cogitators in "The Silent Place" mission forced to restart. You would think this basic bug would have been patched out at this point. 
4 years 257 days ago

"The 4th is something we could find but could not yet resolve. I do not understand the first one. Why would a dead body stop you from interacting with the gun?"

No, no. Dead bodies do not stop interaction.

This comment was edited 4 years 257 days ago by Barata
4 years 257 days ago

I have also encountered this bug. Left over stun mine I placed in a fight in front of the AA turret, and now I can not finish the mission since I cant interact with the turret.

4 years 257 days ago
The 4th is something we could find but could not yet resolve. I do not understand the first one. Why would a dead body stop you from interacting with the gun?