Bug Report, Trial Loot


Several friends and I finished a void trial and all loot at the end was deleted from inventory upon exit. Accounts were McCreeperton, Halolore, Ravenhawk, and Shivinhand. Playing on NA server cluster. Several of the missions also froze upon exit until someone left the party and rejoined after exit.

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Bug Report, Trial Loot
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3 years 47 days ago
Thanks for the update and the compensation. Other than that particular issue, enjoying the game so far!
3 years 48 days ago
The Co-Op and server-related problems will be resolved in the long run. Our team will move the game's backend onto a new provider later this year and we expect a more stable connection without any similar issues you all ran into. This will take time but we are already working on the migration.

We also compensated all 4 of you as well: your main chars have some decent lootboxes in their inventories. Kindly mind, the loot-loss problem appears if at least 3 players play together. Playing with only one player reportedly seems fine.