Boss with 400.000+ Health at a quest handed out to level 35 players


The Drukhari for some ridiculous reason were allied with what is not too short of a Great Unclean One.

Sufficient to say, it was unkillable and healed any damage we did to it to try to wear it down forcing the mission to end as a loss.

This post was edited 4 years 93 days ago by Margorach
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Boss with 400.000+ Health at a quest handed out to level 35 players
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4 years 93 days ago
To be precise, it was the first mission of a random assignment in Impossible +5 difficulty. 

Bears saying that it did live up to its name.

4 years 93 days ago
Okay, something is definitely off here. 

Was this a random Starmap Purge mission if I may ask?