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- Bolter (rifle) being eaten
Bolter (rifle) being eaten
Warhammer 40K Bug ReportI replaced the starting autogun with a master-crafted Boltgun from the store (not crafted), and in-mission it disappeared. At first I thought it was an animation bug, but on mission exit found that the weapon had been removed from my inventory entirely on launch--subsequently causing the animation bug.
Secondary concern: enemies and enemy emplacements ignore terrain for line of sight/attacking; this is absolute hell for the clomping Crusader, and has caused me to die repeatedly without being able to even attempt to engage the enemy. Not ignoring cover, but terrain itself. Huge hill that I have to navigate around before I can even highlight a mob? Autogun spam and rockets chip my health to zero. Giant rocks/walls between myself and a turret emplacement? Get shredded through the walls before I can even see what killed me, respawn, and get close enough to see that it's an autocannon turret before again dying.
It can be partially circumvented as the Assassin, by dodging to and fro and using up all of your adrenaline, but it's a pretty glaring bug for the solo player who favors heavy weapons.
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If you give us an ingame account name, we can refund your lost items :)
About your feedback, you are right, and we will try to iron these issues out in future content updates.
Thanks for the prompt reply! BrotherLazarus is the in-game account, and I'll have to edit this post with the name of the toon that lost the MC bolter after the update clears--can't remember which spelling I went with.
Edit: The character wipe with the update renders the issue moot. I'll post again if it rears up once more.
If you give us an ingame account name, we can refund your lost items :)
About your feedback, you are right, and we will try to iron these issues out in future content updates.
Set this current order state as My default.