Blue Inoculator


Guess we will have to wait somewhat longer for the forum bug to get fixed. ....... No this was not the original text of the post. lol

This post was edited 7 years 166 days ago by Grey Knight
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Blue Inoculator
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7 years 164 days ago

Well, if it is about inoculators treated as 10 capacity regardless of their actual value, I already reported that :)

7 years 164 days ago

Fixed the disappear problem, the hotfix is active from now, please try again guys and sorry for the inconveniences!

7 years 166 days ago

The latter; never had a problem with the former as I have never missed the edit post option above comment, I'll keep my eyes open for that in the future.

7 years 166 days ago

Which one? the one where you can only edit a post once when it's a comment? or where the lines above dissapered when made a new line? :P