Best starting Perk/Subclass for Melee Crusader


Cheers guys,

Newcomer to the game here, so far like it very much.

I read a few guides, in regards to stats etc., and quickly narrowed my forcus to a melee Crusader.

Naturally first I thought Assault Subclass would be best suited for that, with the starting "Rabble Slayer" Perk.  

In some guides I read its "plus 20% Damage when surrounded by at least 3 enemies".  But in the game I have a popup to the right of the bar that shows "plus 60% melee damage".  Whats true now, 20% or 60% ?  And surrounded or always ? Bit confused here.  Was it changed in a recent patch ?

I know that the starting perks are considered nonessential for endgame builds, but why "gimp" my preferred build when I know it before, wight ? :p

Though after thinking about if it counts only when surrounded  wouldn´t be the Heavy Gunner starting perk also good, maybe better, for a melee crusader ?

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Best starting Perk/Subclass for Melee Crusader
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