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- Assassin Adrenaline not working
According to the tutorial the Assassin's Adrenaline resource is supposed to refill on kills. It does not. I've tried melee and ranged weapons. It doesn't matter. Once you use adrenaline it doesn't come back. Makes dodging a very expensive prospect. Surely this is a bug?
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Assassin Adrenaline not working
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7 years 27 days ago
I noticed this too. With the stealth suit it is usually just enough to get through the mission adrenaline wise. It's a killer on fabrication distortion armor.
7 years 29 days ago
I notice this too, although roughly 2% of the time during a mission it will fill the adrenaline bar up rapidly. It's like the game takes a while to register the kills i have made to give me the refill i have only noticed this on larger maps with plenty of mobs however.
7 years 29 days ago
Same on me.
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