ARPG PVP - Summary of previous mistakes and discussion


Title says it all really. Some talk about PvP in previous ARPGs, what we can learn from them and their implications for inquisitor. Feel free to add your own thoughts regarding this topic down below :)

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ARPG PVP - Summary of previous mistakes and discussion
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7 years 255 days ago
Posted by Grey Knight 7 years 255 days ago

ROFL !!!

Not sure if this is a case of 'If at first you don't succeed ..... ' or Freud's Compulsion to Repeat.
This is now the third thread pushing PvP?

People that want PvP are just as entitled to it as you are, but far less vocal about it because the Devs have said they are going through with it. Anti-PvP are far more vocal because they feel it will detract from what they desire. There is absolutely nothing wrong with people being for what the Devs are doing. 

Your responses in each of those PvP threads could also use your quoted opinion/observations. No one is forcing you to reply to these threads yet somehow you feel the need to.

How many bug reports have you posted as individual threads rather than using Mantis or supplying a consolidated list? Should they be taken any less seriously because you have multiple threads?

7 years 255 days ago
Grey Knight

It's an attempt to raise the standard of debate from talking about past experiences of failures, to objective fact and comparison. Specifically evaluation of why other ARPGs failed to implement PvP effectively and a the relevance to inquisitor. Of which from what I can find there is little. 

This is not a thread as much a presentation of an argument or point of view, and last time I posted such things in someone elses thread I was advised not to "hijack" their space. It's a case of providing opportunity to consider a more specific argument.

Glad I got a laugh though.

7 years 255 days ago

ROFL !!!

Not sure if this is a case of 'If at first you don't succeed ..... ' or Freud's Compulsion to Repeat.
This is now the third thread pushing PvP?

7 years 255 days ago

Well there is a fairly robust case within the video for why this will not be like other ARPGS. The core gameplay it'self is just so vastly different to D3 and PoE in terms of it's damage spread and general approach. 

I'm not saying you should play it nor am I saying you will enjoy it. But I can't agree with your assumption of what it will be like given how unique this game is. Those of us not abstaining shall find out soon enough though! Take care bud.
7 years 255 days ago

 I will be completely avoiding PVP in this game as I do with any ARPG. It's usually a "who can 1 shot the other first" game mode.