Are new classes in the works?


I'd love more classes to play as later down the road. Are there any summoner types in the Warhammer universe? Would be cool to summon a hoard to fight for you in the name of the Emperor.

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Are new classes in the works?
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6 years 171 days ago
Posted by Johncow 6 years 172 days ago
I think a Terminator class would be spectacular to play.
There are no Terminators and Space Marines to play. It's called "Inquisitor" after all. Play a deflect Crusader and you basically have your Space Marine. I once stood 23 Minutes in the Cathedral doing nothing, and the enemies where not able to kill me... quite the contrary, I killed some Hellbrutes just because of my skills and Relics.
6 years 172 days ago
I think a Terminator class would be spectacular to play.
6 years 172 days ago
I know the game is about the inquisitors but I'd love to see a space marine class and maybe a terminator class.