Appearance cost


Since you are constantly changing out your gear, it makes customizing your appearance more of an end-game option because upgrading just one piece can range from 5,000 to 100,000 credits. While the 5,000 isn't too bad, it adds up when you change your gear every other mission or upgraded it from van Wynter. It'd make more sense if you unlock the colors/patterns/styles with credits and they stay unlocked.

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Appearance cost
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6 years 253 days ago
It would be very, VERY simple to adjust the cost by item lvl, and make it cheap for lower lvls, and however expensive it should be at higher lvls.

My impression here, is that, like with many other parts of the game, the devs did not think it through, or even tested it once, or they would have  noticed how bad it is.

This is not simply about putting a wrong price tag on something by simply using arbitrary numbers without thinking or testing,
but ruining an actually "nice" feature, that would help players bond with the game emotionally (you have no idea how important that is!), and turning it into a dissapointment for all the casual and yet low and mid lvl players, adding just a slight bit to the chance that they won't continue playing for long, won't recommend it to friends, won't bring their friends, which all, in the end, results in less profit, less money for further developement... you get the idea.

On another note, the current customization implementiation is very lacking!

How should it be? ... in that you can define one "personal" style per item type, and apply that for little cost, slighting increasing maybe with level, instead of having to put together everything manually again and again.
If you found something you like, you will likely replace that type of item with the same item type of higher levels,
we have 2018 already, there is NO NEED to customize every items again and again BY HAND, seriously!

6 years 254 days ago
Kinda defeats the purpose of customization though. You want to show off your unique character to others, but the price makes it a very end game ability even though co-op and PvP is available really early.
6 years 254 days ago
It's a bit steep, but I get the idea. You should wait until you have a really high end piece of relic gear that you want to keep for the long haul before decking it out in the most expensive styles. Makes sense. 
6 years 254 days ago
To be honest I don't see why it cost at all.  I  mean it's just color's !
6 years 254 days ago
Oh shit, I thought it was unlocked for the slot, not that you have to re-apply every single time you upgrade your item... hahahah, there's no way I doing any of that stuff then. I guess if I ever had like 10 million credits and nothing better to sink it in
6 years 254 days ago
Homer Morisson
Personally, I'd like everything to be a permanent unlock, but I can see where you're coming from with the item tiers. But, I'd be more in favor of permanently unlocking item tiers than I would colors because of the scale of the cost. Changing a color for a few hundred, maybe thousand, with each upgrade wouldn't be too hard to handle, but changing the tier with every upgrade isn't feasible. In an ideal world, I'd prefer more customization with the cosmetics, like adding on chains/skulls/etc. that are permanently unlocked, but I understand that that would require a lot of additional work. So, I think just making the tiers a permanent unlock would be preferable to the colors.
6 years 255 days ago
Agreed, unlocks should be a one time payment at least for the color scheme... I set my preferred style once, and only have to pay if I want to change it again, otherwise all my gear will be auto-colored in the chosen scheme when equipped.

The only thing that should still be on a per item base should be the "change the item tier"-visuals, I guess.

6 years 255 days ago
I had the same problem. Tried out customizing myself around level 8 and clicked "confirm"... nothing happens! "Confirm"..."Confirm"... all my Money gone after a a few clicks :(

They should really chenge that mechanic so you keep the purchased colors on every armor (or other visible item) you change to. Yes, it's not realistic, but I guess more people would run around colored.

6 years 255 days ago
100,000 credits to change one color or pattern is...pretty extreme. Also, if we could have a confirmation button before we spend that much it would be nice. Somehow I am magically 200,000 credits lighter due to not noticing the cost. *coughs*