Anoher Death Augury bug :D


Thats how the skill works atm:
1) You cast DA, your warp heat is increased and capped.
2) Enemy makes a lethal shot, your HP and Suppression are restored (just like in the skill description);
3) Your warp heat doesn't increase at all (although in skill description it says +65 on triggering);
4) Buff icon stays, warp heat STILL capped, skill doesn't go on Cooldown - seems like it is still working (however you can reduce CD by 10% with every hit of force weapon - there is indeed relevant skill in the Movement tree);
5) when enemy makes lethal shot again - you die.

To sum up: basically, when DA triggers, it can't be recast and doesn't function properly, until you die and respawn.

This post was edited 6 years 65 days ago by sunlix
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Anoher Death Augury bug :D
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6 years 65 days ago

Did you add any mastery to the skill? We could not reproduce the case. Thanks for that. In case there will be any further issue please contact our support at [email protected] which will be more convenient to handle matters! Thanks in advance! 

This comment was edited 6 years 65 days ago by Marcopolocs