Add some spice!


Ok so, i already tried to provide my suggestions to other companies (EA thanks for ruining battlefield btw), but no one really answered or gave a single flying sh*** but i still wanted to try, since i already bought your game. 

Ive already read your roadmap, but im not quite sure how you will handle the relic items in the future. Regarding the title, i mean the items are lacking some spice so far, no special layout, names or effects (i know youre working on more effects) but i dont think this would be satisfying enough. So my suggestions are adding some components from other games, that made them in some point unique and made people grind for several weeks. Lets just take borderlands as the first example, the amount of unique items were just incredible and i guess some weapons could serve as an inspiration to you aswell (or some famous weapons from the warhammer universe that already exist..?). Dont get me wrong, i dont want this to get too fancy here. But at some warhammer text references in the item card that represents the effects. I mean youre grinding and grinding and grinding and grinding and after several hours your fance relic weapon looks like every other weapon without a special or treatment, so for me this is not worth grinding for so far. The second example could be grim dawn, another arpg. Set in another atmosphere though, it probably features the most gigantic list of legendary items ive ever seen, while all of them look stunning and provide the game with the soul it needed. So thats to the items.

Another point i got suggestions on are a complete new feature i hope to be added: Titans
This is probably the most badass thing in the whole warhammer universe (sorry wulfrik), so adding some mission types especially for the players titans would be pretty neat. Like having the titan to be build up from several different parts you would have to grind for, until like maybe lvl 40 you have all the parts to finish it, and late on you can change the weapons, armor, enhancements,...... Like this has an incredible potential you definitely shouldnt waste.

So far i think the rest like enemy types and mission types will be added anyway, so no need to mention that here again.
If youre even interested in my suggestions, i would be very hyped to send some of my concepts in here.

Anyway, thanks for the game so far and good job!

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Add some spice!
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7 years 9 days ago
Posted by OriontheDstryr 7 years 10 days ago
Titans would be noice, but how would you fit the whole titan on the screen at the scale the game is meant to be played in.
I imagined the map to be downscaled a little bit, i mean you already have titan enemies from the chaos heretics and theyre not that big. But maybe i just like the idea too much.
7 years 9 days ago
Posted by Airsick Hydra 7 years 11 days ago
Genuinely thought this was going to be a recipe thread :( guess the munchies have gotten the better of me again. Well thought out tho.
If youd be better of i could ask Matty Matheson to make a video about my initial statement! Btw i tried his back ally ribs already (you should too)

....and sorry for the disappointment

7 years 9 days ago
Posted by Irrelewahnt 7 years 10 days ago
There will be more types of items in the future, relic is just above artificer. That in mind relics are okay right now.

Titans? No! On top of that using a MIU without the skills and biologic requirement will lead to insanity at least. So again no thx!

There will be more enemys but you still don't got the most important point... Playable orcs :D

I dont get how you think they would lack skills biological requirement but ok at least it makes sense to you.

The game is called "inquisitor" so why would i want to play as an orc?! To me thats just another useless thing they shouldnt put their focus on
7 years 10 days ago
There will be more types of items in the future, relic is just above artificer. That in mind relics are okay right now.

Titans? No! On top of that using a MIU without the skills and biologic requirement will lead to insanity at least. So again no thx!

There will be more enemys but you still don't got the most important point... Playable orcs :D

7 years 10 days ago
Titans would be noice, but how would you fit the whole titan on the screen at the scale the game is meant to be played in.
7 years 11 days ago
Genuinely thought this was going to be a recipe thread :( guess the munchies have gotten the better of me again. Well thought out tho.