Add bonus for completing the missions with certain conditions


I think it would be interesting to implement "hidden" bonus conditions for bonus rewards when completing a mission. For example, +X% reward (credit, glory, influence, XP) or one extra item in the box at the end for conditions like: not using inoculator during the mission; not losing a life; not using belt/armor skills; completing in a certain time frame; killing all enemies (except Purge); saving all soldiers (Rescue); saving the VIP unharmed (Panic Room); killing all villains on the map; etc. These should only apply for missions on at least your level, so you could not farm lvl 8 missions with an lvl80 character for the bonuses. This might incite more tactical/cautios gameplay in certain situations.

This post was edited 5 years 159 days ago by Ponge
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Add bonus for completing the missions with certain conditions
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5 years 153 days ago

Sorry for getting back just now, I have forwarded this already to our designer team back when you wrote your suggestion. Thank you for the feedback.:)