Activation Code Email Delay


Anyone know what the current delay on the emails containing the activation keys is? Ordered 15 mins ago, payment has processed, paypal and reciept emails have been sent but no code email as yet...

This post was edited 8 years 46 days ago by JCrudge
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Activation Code Email Delay
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8 years 45 days ago

As it seems, people who use hotmail,, are mainly affected, we are working on that.

Until as it has been written down by my collagues, feel free to drop a mail if:

  • you haven't receive a mail to verify your account 
  • If you have succesfully made a purchase, but doesn't receive a Steam key via mail. (in this case as a proof purchase, pleas attach your Reference ID & UserName the one with only letters in it.)
This comment was moderated 8 years 45 days ago by Jim Fox
8 years 45 days ago
I'm in the same boat as you. Passing time by listening to 40k lore videos on youtube =)
8 years 45 days ago
mine is now over 3hrs now, my thumbs well n truly twiddled lol.

Lost in the warp.... :O hehe

8 years 46 days ago

Thanks Megapull, much appreciated.

8 years 46 days ago
I can't give you an ETA right now, but it can be up to an hour probably due to the number of requests. Please be patient - and be sure to check your spam folder ;)