Achievment question


Hi, I've a question about the achievment for Prophecy, "Secret lost and found". I've unlocked all achievments for the main game and for prophecy exept for this one, also I played all the main missions of prophecy with my tech-adept. The achievment says I've to find the Martyr (tech adept only). I cant play the Martyr storyline in Prophecy as Tech-adept, as far as I know. So how do I unlock this achievment? Cant find anything in the internet, so I hope you can help. Thank you

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Achievment question
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3 years 152 days ago
Great to hear you unlocked it! :)
3 years 152 days ago
That worked thanks a lot!
3 years 162 days ago

Since this is a Prophecy achievement, it doesn't relate to the Martyr campaign at all.

The problem is, I don't know why, but it seems the game did not register you discovering the Martyr in the introductory chapter. Please create a new Tech-Adept and complete the first 4 missions. At the end of the 4th mission you should unlock the achievement.