Achievement not unlocking - reset request



I was playing martyr on Xbox.

One of the story achievements didn’t unlock. I read that it’s possible to get one’s stats/progress reset and that that would fix the issue.

Is this possible and/or will seasonal character fix the issue?

The user needing reset is not nicknoon, but another gamer tag, which I was unable to sign in here with.

It’s the release flavors darken achievement.
help :)

Store Page
Achievement not unlocking - reset request
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1 year 280 days ago
I've sent you a DM on discord (I hope - haven't used discord before ;) ). 
1 year 281 days ago
This comment was deleted 1 year 281 days ago by oeregharcos
1 year 281 days ago

Let me try a couple other things first. Could you message me on the support chat of this website please? And share with me a couple details for your account? Just so they are not in public.

Or, alternatively you could DM me on Discord. My name on there is oeregharcos as well.

This comment was edited 1 year 281 days ago by oeregharcos
1 year 281 days ago
Posted by oeregharcos 1 year 281 days ago
Hello, thanks for being cool about this. Can you please check if you can sign up with a new e-mail now?
Hi, Of course. 

I just, as precaution, deleted my local and cload save. The game still auto signed me in and I have access to everything.
It still says that the email connected to the account/gamertag is malacurri @ So it does not look like it has worked. 

There is no way I can sign out. I can try and delete the entire game and see if that works...? 

1 year 281 days ago
Hello, thanks for being cool about this. Can you please check if you can sign up with a new e-mail now?
1 year 281 days ago
Posted by oeregharcos 1 year 282 days ago
hey, so, after a deep dive, we simply cannot locate the issue on our side. It even looks like you have the trophy to your account. One thing you could possibly try is not skipping the cutscene when you are making your decision. Although this is a very longshot to have any relevance in this case. Otherwise the problem is, since this is a console achievement, we really have no control over those. You could maybe try contacting Xbox support? Sorry I couldn't give you better news.


Thank you for getting back to me. 

I really appreciate that you guys have taken the time to look into it. Truely.

That being said, I'm not sure I'm convienced. I've checked numerous forums, eg. truetrophy and trueachievements and they tell a similar tale. That achievements are not unlocking properly. Several (claim to) have been in contact with you and had their stat/progress reset - after which they were able to unlock.
I wish I had checked sooner and I wouldn't have started the game.

I do not believe this to be an xbox issue.
Just so there's no confusion. I have completed Martyr previously and it was connected (I believe) to the same email, I'm using to sign into these forums (since the other one didn't work).
The gamertag i Malacurri and the email is malacurri @ .
I'm only bringing it up in case you are looking the wrong account :) 

All that I ask is that you remove the connection to the above email, so that I may sign up another email and thus start all over as if I was beginning a new.
You can treat this as a 'right to be forgotten' if that makes it any easier.

I hope you are able to help me out. I've already invested +250 hours in this new gamertag and would be sad to have to start over because of one faulty achievement...
Fingers crossed and thank you for your help so far. 

This comment was edited 1 year 281 days ago by Nicknoon
1 year 282 days ago
hey, so, after a deep dive, we simply cannot locate the issue on our side. It even looks like you have the trophy to your account. One thing you could possibly try is not skipping the cutscene when you are making your decision. Although this is a very longshot to have any relevance in this case. Otherwise the problem is, since this is a console achievement, we really have no control over those. You could maybe try contacting Xbox support? Sorry I couldn't give you better news.
1 year 283 days ago
Hey, sorry for no update. We are looking at your profile. I'll get back to you asap
1 year 283 days ago

Just an update. 

I have now tried with a seasonal character, another regular character - bringing it up to a total of 4 tries with different characters.

Still no achievement. The 'You have released Flavius Draken' achievemtent still hasn't unlocked. 

I hope you are able to do reset progress or just delete my entire profile/progress, so I can unlock it. 

1 year 286 days ago

Sorry, accidentially replied myself. 


Sorry for the wait. I got the most important achievements out of the way. Only a handful left, including the glitched one. 

From what I read of others who had the same problem, it has to be a stat reset. You are welcome to do a stat reset now. 

Help :) 

Gamertag is : Malacurri

1 year 286 days ago

Sorry for the wait. I got the most important achievements out of the way. Only a handful left, including the glitched one. 

From what I read of others who had the same problem, it has to be a stat reset. You are welcome to do a stat reset now. 

Help :) 

Gamertag is : Malacurri

1 year 288 days ago


Thank you for a swift reply. 

As I wrote previously, the problem lies with this achievement : Radical Methods (You have released Flavius Draken. (Secret)). 

I just completed the mission on a second character (going for the radical morality) and it didn't unlock. I was able to google that this happened to other with random achievements and that a reset progress or something like that was needed, since the unlock was stored server-side. 

Before you do anything, if it's actually a complete deletion / reset of everything, I might need to finish some of the last achievements (unlock all skilltrees). So if that's the case, I think I'll have it sorted tonight - would like to avoid having to unlock all the skilltrees again (only one short of having them all unlocked). 

My gamertag is: 


Thank you ! 

1 year 288 days ago
Hey! Sorry about the trouble. Mind sharing with me the gamertag that does need the fix? Thanks!