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- A Letter to the Founders
A Letter to the Founders
Warhammer 40K CommunityDear Founders!
Today marks the beginning of a new era - Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr enters Steam Early Access. This means that the Founding will expand, more players will come to provide feedback, and many of them newcomers to the game.
At this point we just wanted to thank you for your support, your trust, your feedback, your relentless energy for hunting bugs, your extremely keen eyes for corruption and chaos. You know a lot about the game, about its development, about its community. That's something really valuable. That knowledge is power. And, as you know, with it comes great responsibility.
We'll be very happy if you guys decide to keep informing new players about what this game is and what this game will be. Most of you already started helping them in Steam forums, and we're really thankful for this. It's indeed a big help to us, especially if we can't pay attention to all threads popping up.
If you do keep the information flowing, though, please be polite and patient with new players, even if they ask questions that have been asked thousands of times - in general, educate but don't lecture, make jokes but don't ridicule, and rather link to something officially confirmed than just provide speculation.
We figure that there might be a bit of confusion surrounding the game, it's only natural, there might be new players with critical tone, there will be even some who will complain about difficulty, missing features, some might even demand refunds... please keep in mind that every player has the right to do so, and we're not the kind of community who want to dismiss such comments, in fact, we're really-really curious about newcomer feedback. We want to know what works from a fresh perspective and what doesn't. We want to polish the game as thoroughly as we can.
What we can do to reassure those who are joining Steam Early Access today and in the near future is this, and you can quote it as sort of official statement:
- during the Steam Early Access period there will be missing features, and we're still balancing gameplay, especially difficulty for both new players and for those seeking hardcore challenge
- no, the single player campaign is not included fully during this period, although tutorial and opening chapters will be added eventually
- no, you won't gain any advantage with your character progression because you're joining early - at full release, everybody will start with a clean slate
- all player's opinions and feedback will be taken into consideration, no matter what
- we're not disheartened if you decide not to take a chance with Steam Early Access, it's okay to wait for the full game
There's a lot more information, we have an up-to-date roadmap for everybody to see how the next few months will look like, and (spoilers, but) we're setting up a sort of game Wiki for a concise reference on gameplay, lore, etc., so there will be plenty of information about the game you can link to.
We're welcoming all new players, and again we're thanking all the Founders for your help and support. You guys are great.
And remember: whether you're a Founder from day one, or a newcomer... set aside your differences.
Together, we are the Inquisition. That's all that matters now.
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Great work Neocore it's been fun as a founding member, and sure to continue through to and beyond full release.
560 hours to date in the Alpha and it still keeps me coming back! again kudos to the entire Neocore team and thanks to the other founding members for being a great community thus far :) see you all on the battlefield....Inquisitor Cerberus
Amen brothers, cant wit to see how this game unfolds, from one proud founder, thanks .
Ps, be good to make sure newbies know about hydras vids online, they rule.
Thank you for your great work!
How about some cool things for boyz which bought game by means of the website for 30$?
Oh very well. I'll be nice to the Heretics(Steamtards).
For the Emperor !
What a nice 80 / 600 stat you got there brother... nice!
ON to the topic: I wish you a lot of endurance guys! Stay strong, the Emperor protects!
On behalf of Ordo Hydra - Thank you for the great experience thus far with the Founding. Having stuck to every promise, every deadline and given us the occasional spicy leak. It's been an enjoyable experience already. Here's hoping for an enjoyable E/A too!
On behalf of Ordo Hydra - Thank you for the great experience thus far with the Founding. Having stuck to every promise, every deadline and given us the occasional spicy leak. It's been an enjoyable experience already. Here's hoping for an enjoyable E/A too!