A few Bugs and suggestions.


I’ve noticed a few issues with Martyr that should be looked at.

  • The targeting bug.  Targets enemies far outside range when there are closer ones, targeting barrels before enemies, unable to target alarms to destroy them, targeting mines behind cover so you cant hit them but will still try to shoot them.

  • Using interactive objects.  If there is ANYTHING nearby...or even remotely on the map, it will ignore the interactive object and head straight for whatever it was...This applies to tech shrines, “Hold to activate” objects and stationary maned turrets.

  • Enter Cover issues.  Using the “Toggle to enter Cover” option does not work.  It will put you into cover but you are unable to target anything as tilting the L stick in any direction forces you out of cover.  “Hold to enter cover” works as long as you are not using advanced controls.(More on that at a later point.)

  • Shooting from cover.  In my experience, about 50% of the time while shooting from cover, the first shot will fire away from where the enemies are.  Another 25% of the time, the first shot will aim in the general direction towards the enemy but will be way off.  This is not due to weapon spread as it happens with all weapons using single shots.

  • Using Advanced controls.  I tried using the advanced control method because it looked like a better setup.  The issue was that using “Hold to enter cover”(Which swaps to the X button) causes the skills to not work at all.

  • There are a few minor issues with texture tearing while moving but its minor

  • Some of the tutorials are still worded for PC not PS4 (Example was for how to direct guardsmen to a place.  The instructions said to use “F” to direct them.)

  • Noticed some missing audio from some of the quest “The enemy below” and “the search for the martyr” along with some of the audio being out of sync or out of order based on the text.

  • Minor issue with dropping in turrets and mine fields.  It does not give you a real option about where to drop it, it just kinda...falls somewhere in the general area you are pointing.

Besides the bugs, i'm enjoying the game quite a bit.  Dark, gritty and all kinds of bloody.

I do also have a few suggestions.

  • In regards to targeting issues…  It seems like this game would be better as a Twin-Stick shooter.  That would fix the targeting issues mostly.  Maybe an option to swap to Twin-Stick mode.

  • Customizable controls might help with some of the interactive object issues...Like allowing “Hold X” to be “Hold Square”(Or whatever reload is at the time)

I had more when I started this but forgot em.

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A few Bugs and suggestions.
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6 years 176 days ago

Thanks for the huge summarize and the suggestions. I forwarded them to our devs and they will sort them out. 

Using interactive objects.
The targeting bug. 

Some of the tutorials are still worded for PC-......
Couple of audio fixes...

These have been mostly fixed internally already! The next patch will contain the changes!