A couple obsurvations 0.2.0


(1)I just  came back from a Barely level 3 assassinate.  it was   by far the biggest  miss match  i have ever  seen.   4  yes  four flagbarrers  in the same room  and  2  of them were the elite kill targets.    If you  thought  there couldn't be a  nurgling rush OMG  you have no idea.  They never stop summoning so even if you run away   you see a train   coming at you.  Thank god for  the purple grenade launcher i have  or  the  nurglings alone would of  run me over.  This is not to account for the other  spawns in the  area.  Oh yes an this was planet side so virtually no cover  worth mentioning. (2) Sound  seams to stutter when there is multiple  explosions or deaths  at the same time.  Like in a nurgling rush. (3) When the missions start and end there  needs to be  a drop and extraction point for each mission instead of  just clicking the button to end the  match.  (4)  A  cosmetic issue  where when you kill chaos marines they sty standing upright and don't fall over.

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A couple obsurvations 0.2.0
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7 years 316 days ago
Posted by Contavius 7 years 318 days ago

Well sounds like Slaanesh may have organized that mission for you =)

(For anyone who does not know Slaanesh is the Chaos god of excess, one of the 4 Chaos gods)

i knew the name but i not shure what  the gods all represent other than Khorn

7 years 318 days ago

Well sounds like Slaanesh may have organized that mission for you =)

(For anyone who does not know Slaanesh is the Chaos god of excess, one of the 4 Chaos gods)

This comment was edited 7 years 318 days ago by Contavius